Media AS OCR (Section A)

  • Created by: Vee
  • Created on: 08-01-13 20:51

Key Words

Iconography - a visual prop or something that is relevent to the sub-genre

Regressive Drama - realistic, doesn't move forward

Progressive Drama - less realistic, lots more editing etc

EnigmaA person or thing that is mysterious, puzzling, or difficult to understand to create suspense for the audience

Equilibrium - normality/ harmony (most TV dramas begin with this)

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Shot/Reverse Shot - most common, can see emotions and reaction, mimics natural flow of conversation

Eye Line Match - you see what the character's looking at after you see their rection, creates suspens, however not using it creates even more suspense

Action Match - an action begins in one shot and continues/completes in another

Jump Cut - camera moves very slightly inbetween shots of the same thing, suggesting passing of time

Cross Cutting/ Parallel Editin - cutting between action, used if there is a multi-stranded plot

Insert - emphasises a differnt aspect of the action ( already in the master shot) due to different framing. Cutaway - emphasises a different aspect of action (not in the master shot) due to different framing

Things you  can always talk about in editing - screen time (the amount of camera time a character is) and the pace of editing

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Camera Shots/Angles

Medium Shot (up to knees)

Long Shot - could be used to make someone look vulnurable, or set the scene

Low Angle - could be used to make someone look powerful

Extreme Long Shot - could be used to make someone look vulnurable, or set the scene

Big Close Up- just the head, expression shown

Close Up - head and neck, expression shown

High Angle - could be used to make someone look weak

Canted Angle

Medium close up (up to waste)

Point Of View

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Camera Shots/Angles Continued

Selective Focus - some parts of the shot are blurred

Extreme Close Up - just the eyes

Two Shot - two people in the frame, could say something about their relationship

Over The Shoulder - the person wo's shoulder it is could be very important in the scene

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Soundscape - the whole sound enviroment of the scene

Diegetic - character and the adudience can hear the sound

Non-Diegetic - only the audience can hear

Parallel Sound - makes sense in the scene

Contapuntual Sound - sound is unexpected and not related to action in the scene

Pleonastic - exaggerated sound

Sound Effects - added in sound

Sound Bridge - sound starts in one scene and carries on into the next, links the scenes together

Texture - layering sounds

Ambient Audio - all natural sounds

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Narrative Theories - Levi-Strauss

Binary Oppositions - sets of opposite values which reveal the structure of media texts


Good vs Evil

Strong Male vs Femal Victim

Intellegence vs Ignorance

Crime Scene vs Police Station

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Narrative Theories - Propp

Propp believes narrative structure is determined by role

Character Roles

The Villian - antagoniste

The Hero - Protagonist

The Donor - provides an object with a magic property

The Helper - aids the hero

The Princess - reward for the heor and an object of the villians

The Father - rewards the hero

The Dispatcher - sends the hero on its way

The False Hero

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Lots of mistakes in this




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