Media AS OCR (Section B)
- Created by: Vee
- Created on: 08-01-13 14:04
Key Terms
Vertical Intagration - when a company does all stages of the film, distribution and production e.g. 20th Century Fox
Horizontal Intagration - when a company has many different arms to their company e.g. Universal has a music label (Universal Music Group) , television channels (NBC-Universal) and film (Universal Pictures)
Oligopoly - a state of limited competition, in which a market is shared by a small number of producers and sellers i.e. the film industry is dominated by major companies (e.g. Universal)
Conglomerate - companies that contribute to all aspects of the media (music, television, film, newspaper)
Synergy - when two or more companies work together to benefit one another e.g. McDonalds giving away free toys in their meals
The Production Process
Pre Production - the idea for the film is developed and the cast and crew are found and financing is put in place. The largest source of funding in Britain was the UK Film Council (however it was abolished in 2011)
Sources of film finance in Britain: UK film companies e.g. BBC films and filmfour, Pre-sales, Gap finance.
Sources of film finance outside Britain: Stars: ceratin actors such as Tom Cruise, fund movies using their own production companies, Locality funds, television companies, independant producers, Angels (people who likw your idea with money to spend), and 'DIY' (private investment from family and friends).
Production - The actual shooting of the film
Post Production - editing of the footage, the addition of sound as required, including any original music, and the addition of special effects and computer generated effects
The Hollywood Film Industry
Estblished industry
Vertically and Horizontally integrated
International Brands e.g. Universal, 20th Century Fox, Disney, Warner Bros, MGM, Paramount
BIG BUDGET films, MAINSTREAM films, BLOCKBUSTER films, star system
International, national and local audiences, consumers, prosumers
Digital distribution
new media technologies
The British Film Industry
no mature industry that is not vertically or horizontally integrated
5,000 sperate production companies
Difficult to find funding and distributors for films, if a film has no distributor it is nearly impossible to market the film due to lack of money
most films are co-productions
BFI produces funding which is propped up by lottery funding
Low Budget Films
Social Realist films
Niche, specialist, national but usually local audiences audiences
Largely unknown actors
have had some successful films abroad, especially America
Second oldest studio in Hollywood
Owned by Genral Electric and Comcast
Indie arm - Focus Features
Vertically and Horizontally integrated - distribute their own films
Parent company to: Working Title and Illumation Entertainment
Distributed Despicable Me and Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (eventually)
Working Title
British film production company
Run by Tim Bevan and Eric Fellner
Parent company is Universal - invest in marketing films internationally, especially ones with mass audience appeal
Budget - up to £35 million (Johnny English Reborn was £45 million)
Has made several successful films e.g. Bridget Jones' Diary, Notting Hill
Have started to make more niche films aimed at specialist audiences e.g. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
Despicable Me
Budget - $69 million
Gross - $543,113,985
Director: Pierre Coffin
Producer: Chris Meledandri
Stars: Steve Carell, Julie Andrews, Russel Brand
Distributed by Universal
Produced by IBM and Illumation Entertainment, who collaberated with Mac Guff Ligne (Paris based digital production studio)
Generated 142 terabytes of data
Took 3 years to make (average is 5-7 years)
Saved money whereever possible i.e. re-used elements from scenes and eliminated details like animal fur
Relied heavily on on Universal's arms and was promoted on several NBC-Uinversal Channels (vertical intagration).
Collaberated with IHOP who made cupcakes with the popular characers the 'miniums'.
Created mobil phone apps (convergence)
online campaigne - interactive trailers, social networking
London To Brighton
Written/Directed/Produced by: Paul Williams
Budget: £500,000 - used cheap digital cameras to save money
Filmed on location
Gross: £6.5 million
Unknown cast e.g. Georgia Groome
Genre: Social Realism
Audience: Local - Niche
Distribution: Film festivals, posters
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
Directed by: Tomas Alfredson
Budget: £20 million
Gross: £35 million
Stars: Colin Firth, Gary Oldman (Famous British)
Poduced by: Working Title
3 months to film, and 6 months to edit
Genre: Spy
Audience: National
Universal distributed it in America after they realised how popular it was
Written/Directed/Produced: James Cameron
Budget: $237 million - money was not an issue
Gross: $2.5 billion - highest grossing film
Distribution/Production Company: 20th Century Fox
Audience: International
Actors had to be trained to get the right physicality for their character and the language
Took over a year and a half just to make props and costumes
Rated PG-13 by the bbfc - wide target audience
Colloaberated with Coca-Cola to launch a worldwide marketing promotion (synergy)
Shown in 3D
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