Mental Disorder & Crime
- Created by: jessstudiesx
- Created on: 02-01-20 20:26
Legal Definitions Of Mental Illness
Mental Health Act (1983) - 4 legal categories of mental disorder included: mental illness, psychopathic disorder, mental impairment & severe mental impairment
Mental Health Act (2007) - "any disorder or disability of the mind"
Other Key Terms & Legal Issues
Mental illness
'Legal insanity'
"In law, the term is used to denote that degree of mental illness which negates the individual's legal responsibility or capacity" - Black's Law Dictionary (1990)
Legal Prerequisites Of Crime
To be found guilty of a crime, one must have not only carried out the act of crime but have intended to commit that crime
Legal Pleas
1. Not guilty by reason of insanity (NGRI) - courts appy the 'McNaghten rule'
2. Diminished responsibility (Homicide Act, 1957) - must be proof of 'substancially impaired mental responsibility'
Mental Health Problems In Prison (Singleton Et Al
Psychosis - prison 6-13%, general 0.4%
Personality disorder - prison 50-78%, general 3.4-5.4%
Neurotic disorder - prison 40-76%, general 17.3%
Drug dependency - prison 34-52%, general 4.2%
Alcohol dependency - prison, 19-30%, general 8.1%
Relationship Between Mental Disorder & Crime Sensa
Over reporting of high profile cases & over reporting of relationship (Angermeyer & Shulze, 2001)
Specific types of mental health difficulties are over represented:
1. Schizophrenia
2. Learning difficulties
3. Depression
4. Psychopathic disorder
Difficulties With Research (Howitt, 2006)
Possible confounds - over emphasis on correlational studies?
Overlapping definitions
Confounding effects of medication
Difficulties in identifying a sample
Mental Disorder In Offender Populations & Issues
30-50% have mental illness/disorder compared to 14% of non-offenders (Howitt, 2009)
Up to 60% 'lifers' are disordered
If we include psychopathic disorder - up to 80%
Caught more often?
Charged more often?
Plead guilty more often?
Effects of prison?
Cumulative effects?
Criminality In Mentally Ill Populations & Issues
6% criminality as opposed to 2% (Hodgins, 1995)
Sufferers of psychotic symptoms in community more likely to be violent - up to 14x more?
Small sample sizes amongst in patients
Environmental effects particular issue with community based studies
Status of discharged patients unclear - still 'disordered' or not?
Unselected Birth Cohorts: SMP (Hodgins, 1995)
Over 14,000 births followed with independent secondary verification of diagnoses of:
1. Major mental disorder
2. Minor mental disorder
3. Alcohol & drug abuse
Biggest 'risk' factor is substance abuse
Co-morbidity - 49% males % 43% females had secondary diagnoses
Lack of distinction between use & abuse at time of arrest
No picture of cause & effect
Psychopathic Disorder
Psychopathy is a personality disorder that may be confused with adult antisocial personality disorder (AAPD)
50-80% of prison inmates meet AAPD criteria, only 11-25% meet a set of more specific criteria (Hare, 1998)
Hare (1993) suggests 3 categories of psychopath:
1. Primary psychopath - diagnosed through PCL
2. Secondary psychopath - antisocial/violent behaviour due to emotional problems, anxiety, drug use etc
3. Dissocial psychopath - learned aggressive & antisocial behaviour
Problems With Hare's Categories Of Psychopath
Definition is controversial
Not specifically defined in ICD-10 or DSM-V
Closest is antisocial personality disorder (dissocial)
Higher scorers on PCL-R often begin their criminal careers earlier & more likely to reoffend
Clinical psychopathy (measured by the PCL-R) is quite different to legal classification of 'psychopathic disorder'
Psychopathic disorder referred to in the mental health act (1983) as any personality disorder, not just psychopathy
Hare's Psychopathy Checklist (PCL)
Measures 2 main factors:
1. Affective deficits - considered the most powerful indicator
2. Behavioural problems
Cooke & Mitchie (2001) suggest 3 factors are identifiable - the addional one being interpersonal style
PCL Based On Cleckley's Traits
Egocenticity & flat effect
Pathological lying
Unreliability, irresponsibility, impulsivity
Inability to feel remorse, empathy, or understand consequences for others
Criminal Psychopaths
Hare (1993) - up to 25% in prison, compared to 1% out of prison
Up to 43% of serial r*pists
Bartol & Bartol (2004) - more likely to have convictions for violence & be associated with violence in prison
Recividism rate of between 65-80%, compared to 30-50% non-psychopathic adult offenders
Recidivism rates rise after 'treatment'? - learn
Treatment Of Criminal Psychopaths (Hare, 1996)
There is no known treatment for psychopathy - but doesn't mean that the egocentric & callous attitudes & behaviours are immutable
No methodologically sound treatments or 'resocialisation' programmes that have shown to work
Summary Of Risk Factors (Hodgins, 1995)
MD alone in adulthood - 2.5x
MD & substance abuse in adulthood - 6.1x
MD & substance abuse in childhood - 14.1x
Early start group again at most risk:
1. Convicted on average 5 years earlier
2. More likely to suffer co-morbidity
3. More likely to have both violent & non-violent convictions
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