Moby - 'Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad?'

  • Created by: Curlot
  • Created on: 29-06-13 09:39

General Information

  • Richard Melville Hall, born in New York, brought up in Connecticut and had classical guitar lessons from 9 years old.
  • He takes a long time to produce a final version. Generally he works alone returning to remix past work. 1998 was spent on 'Play' - 3 tracks received little attention the 'Why does my heart feel so bad' was released reaching number 16 in the Uk charts.
  • It is built around 2 samples from a gospel choir recording in 1953. Both are in A minor, but one is harmonised to feel minor and the other major.
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Important Points to note

  • He feels that it is more important that music triggers an emotion rather than it be clincally well prduced (i.e leaving background noise on vocal sample to give an extra texture).
  • Use of effects is as important to electronic music as development is to traditional music.( listen to the differences in reverb and delay on vocal sample 2 when sections changes at 3:18)
  • Lots of attention as to where sounds have been placed left-hand or right hand speakers and EQ to each sound.
  • EQ (equalisation was originally used to even out early recording.Now though it gives control of treble, middle + bass frequencies idependently i.e 'telephone voice' effect in verse 2 the bass and treble frequencies have almost completetly gone giving the effect of singing down the phone
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He didn't use the most up to date equipment deliberatly to keep the sound simple with unedited vocal samples. Moby only uses delay and reverb plus EQ on telephone voice (also re-sampled the original at a lower bit rate to give it a grainy sound).

  • Sub Bass = bass line that is felt rather than heard. Sounds below 90Hz
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