Mr Reading Physics Exam

These cards are aimed at  Unit G482


Electric Current (1)

What is Electric Current?

1 of 14

Electric Current (1)

An Electric is a flow of charge. In a metal this is due to the flow of electrons. In an electrolyte, the flow of +ve & -ve ions produces the current.

2 of 14

Electric Current (2)

The direction of convectional current is from +ve to -Ve; the direction of electron flow is from -ve to +ve.

3 of 14

Electric Current (2)

What is the Direction of Convectional current?

4 of 14

Electric Current (3)

What is a coulomb?

5 of 14

Electric Current (3)

One Coulomb is the charge which passes a point when a current of 1A flows for 1s.

6 of 14

Electric Current (4)

What connects charge?

7 of 14

Electric Current (4)

charge = current x time.


8 of 14

Electric Current (5)

What is the Elementary Charge?

9 of 14

Electric Current (5)

e = 1.6x10^-19C

10 of 14

Electric Current (6)

State Kirchhoff's First Law.

11 of 14

Electric Current (6)

Kirchhoff's 1st law states that the sum of the currents entering any point in a circuit is equal to the sum of the currents leaving the same point.

12 of 14

Electric Current (7)

What do the letters mean in the equation I=Anev?

13 of 14

Electric Current (7)

I= Current

A= Cross-sectional Area

n= Number density

V= mean drift Velocity

e= elementary charge

14 of 14


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