msnd 0.0 / 5 ? EnglishshacsperYears 7-9 (KS3)None Created by: sam rodiCreated on: 02-10-20 12:59 p1 p-mischeivious e-frights the madons of the villige t-fright e-shows how he scars them r-very noughty and liks to scare them 1 of 6 p2 p-luky e-thoes that hobgoblin call you sweet puck you do there work they have good luck t-shall e-defienaty going to happon r-not acly that bad 2 of 6 p3 p-happy e-i jest to obron and make him smile t-smile e-shows his positve output efects others r-he is allwase happy 3 of 6 pa4 P- Cruel E - Misleads night wanderers laughing in their harm T - laghing E - he is laghing at there pain R- a very mean fairy 4 of 6 p5 p - Funny e - I jest to Oberon and make him smile t - make him smile e - This shows that he is always making Oberon laigh therefore he is very funny r - Therefore shaespere shows puck as the type of person that is always having a lagh 5 of 6 P6 P - Dishonest E- Either I mistake your shape and making quite, Or else you are that shrewd and knavish sprite T - Knavish E - Faries acuse Puck of being cold and dishonest R - He likes to get on peoples nerves. 6 of 6
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