Key ideas
Idea 1: 'And the glory of the Lord' - Short theme has two characteristic features. The first 3 notes outline a triad (A maj). The setting of the words is mainly syllabic
Idea 2: 'Shall be revealed' - This idea is built up using 2 one-bar descending sequences + is melismatic for the word 'revealed'
Idea 3: 'And all flesh shall see it together' - Repetitive idea consisting of 3 statements of the descending 4th idea. Repetition gives idea of firm statement
Idea 4: 'For the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it' - Characterised by dotted minim repeated notes.Notes serve to emphasise the convitction 'the Lord hath spoken it.' To make the strength come through Handel doubles this with the tenors and basses
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