music set works
- Created by: melissa taylor
- Created on: 03-05-14 11:39
Sing we at pleasure
It is a Ballet- a type of madrigal
Rapid triple metre (3/4)
Syncopation bar 12 (alto)
Hemiola bar 20-21
Conjunct movement and small leaps
Octave jumps bar 2
Suspensions bar 83 (alto)
In G major changes to D major in bar 9 and C major in bar 44
Binary Structure (AB)
Pedal notes bars 46-52 (alto)
The word setting is almost entirely syllabic
Schubert Der Doppleganger
It is a Lied- A type of german song
Slow triple metre (3/4)
Mainly syllabic
Longest melisma occurs bars 54-55 in the vocal part
Conjunct movement and small leaps
Turn in bar 21
Key of B Minor modulates to D# minor at bar 47
Neapolitan chord bar 59
Ends with a Tierce de picardie
The piece is Through composed
Stravinsky- Symphony of Psalms
Change in time signature between 4/4, 2/2 and 3/2
Stresses on odd beats (bar 126)
Bitonality with modal elements suggesting Aeolian mode
Most of the vocal melodies have a narrow range, revolving around the repetition of only a few notes
Heavy use of dissonance
Excluded upper strings and clarinets in his attempt to create an unemotional sound
Mainly syllabic vocals but with occasional melismas
There is some counterpoint including imitation
Written for 4 part (SATB Choir)
Each section is repeated
Neo-classical style
Desmond Dekker- You can get it if you really want
Quadruple metre
Steady on beat crotchets in the bass (typical of rocksteady)
Syncopation in the upper parts
Mainly syllabic word setting with some melismas (bar 73) at the end of phrases
High falsetto notes (bar 25)
The key is Db major
Emphasis is placed on the chorus which is repeated 4 times
Texture is melody dominated homophony
Instruments include: Vocals, guitars, bass, trumpets, saxes electronic organ and drums
Howlin' Wolf I'm leaving you
Quadruple metre with swung quavers
Emphasised backbeat
Semiquavers in the lead guitar (bar 31)
Stop time
Vocal line is mostly syllabic with a few short melismas
The melody is primarily based on a G minor pentatonic scale
Based on chords (I,IV and V)
There is no modulation
There are 6 choruses of 12 bar blues
Pitch bends bars 21-22 lead guitar
Glissandos bar 42 lead guitar
It is a transcription
Holborne The image of melancholy
The pavane is in fairly slow duple metre - Key of D major
The galliard is in lively triple metre - Key of D minor
Galliard has a hemiola in bar 7
All parts have a fairly narrow range
Movement is mainly conjunct with some stepwise movement in the opposite direction (bar 24 pavane)
False relations in bar 11 pavane
Both dances have 3 different sections each of which is repeated (AABBCC)
Performers would often ornament their part on the repeats
The dances were published as being suitable for bowed instruments and/or wind instruments
The music was deprived from vocal styles and thus is unidiomatic (not written for a specific instrument)
Haydn Lamentatione, Symphony in D Minor
Simple quadruple metre
Most bars feature quaver movement, sometimes provided by syncopated crotchets in the upper part against the on-beat crotchets in the bass (such as the start of the movement)
Short rests clairfy the end of sections (at the ends of bars 8 and 16)
Stepwise movement and mainly small leaps
The melody includes ornamentation such as trills and appoggiaturas (bar 10,12)
Perfect cadences define keys and mark the end of sections
Diminished 7th such as in bar 13 generate harmonic tension
In the key of D minor and ends in the tonic major
Sonata form- commonly used in the classical period
First 16 bars use periodic phrasing- classical characteristic
2 oboes, bassoon, 2 horns and strings- typical of early classical period
2 part counterpoint in the first 8 bars
Terraced dynamics bar 53 and 56
Brahms Piano quintet
In compound duple metre (6/8) but some sections are in simple metre (2/4)
Syncopation (eg. in the opening violin theme)
Repeated staccato notes (first heard in bar 13)
Melodies in the trio are more lyrical are based on rising and falling 3rds
Imperfect cadences to keep the piece moving forwards
Pedal notes are sometimes used (tonic at the start)
The movement is in C minor and ends with a tierce de picardie on the chord of C major
The scherzo consists of 3 themes, each is modified and developed when returned
The work is written for 2 violins, viola, cello and piano
Brahms' writing is very idiomatic
Free imitation when the piano joins in
Debussy Sarabande pour le piano
Slow triple metre (3/4) which is typical of the sarabande
Melodic ideas are often immediately repeated, sometimes with slight variations (such as the first 4 bars)
Stepwise movement and small leaps
Parallelism applied to a range of chords (35-41)
Quartal harmony
In C# Aeolian mode
The use of modal and quartile harmony leads to unsual cadences
The movement has a rondo or ternary form
Exploits the pianos range
Most of the music requires the use of the sustaining pedal
Textures include monophonic passages in bar octaves (bars 20-22) but are otherwise homophonic
Melody-dominated homophony
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