The affection [mood] of the chorus is joyful and this is conveyed through triple metre [3/4], allegro [very fast] tempo and major key signiture [A major with modulations/key changes to E major and B major]
The ending has a dramatic mood created by a 3 beat rest in all four voices before the last phrase, an adagio [slow] tempo, longer note values, loud dynamics, use of timpani and homophonic texture.
Hemiola rhythms [a device used in triple time, towards a cadence point, in which notes are grouped in 2 beat units] are used in bars 9/10. There is a use of perfect and plagal cadences throughout the chorus.
The harmonic Rhythem [the number of times the chords change per bar] is either one chord per bar or 2 beats then one. there is a lot of imitation between parts [seperate parts copying/imitating each other] There is a use of pedal [ a sustained note usually in the lowest bass part] in the middle of the musical texture.
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