What are the four disadvantages of mutation? (4 marks)
What are the two advantages of mutation?(2 marks)
What is the main cause of mutation? (1 mark)
What are the two ways by which the chances of mutation can increase? (4 marks)
What are the two effects of mutation? (2 marks)
DONEcheck your answers very carefully for rest of the time.
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What does mutation mean? (1)
Mutation means changes in the genetic codes.
What are the four disadvantages of mutation? (4)
1.change in the sequence of the DNA bases.2. production of protien stops or a different protien is made.3. New characteristics4. Increase in variation
1 Mark for each point
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What are the two advantages of mutation? (2)
1. one can survive for longer
2. Mutation in a bacterium can make you resistant to antibodies.
What is the main cause of mutation? (1)
The main cause of mutation is generally when the chromosome does not quite copy itself.
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What are the two ways by which the chances of mutation can increase? (4)
1. Exposure to nuclear radiation, x-rays and UV light(2- any 4m the 3 words)2. Smoking; chemicals in a cigarette contain mutagens. If the mutant cells cause cancer they are called carcinogen. (2- any 2 words from the underlined words given)
What are the two effects of mutation? (2)
1. Abnormal baby 2. Cancer (1 mark each)
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Add up your score and give yourself a mark out of 14.
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