Natural Moral Law
- Created by: Lauren
- Created on: 19-04-12 09:00
Intro & Key Ideas
- Deontological ethical theory that began with ancient Greeks & states that what is good is what is natural
- Provides way of looking at life that is intellectually appealing & in some way empirically verifiable
- Italian philosopher Cicero = "True law is right reason in agreemnet with nature" (what is good can be rationalised & the law is absolute)
- Deontological, so involves following duty (following Bible & God's law in nature), & opposite to teleology, although similar in that God designed nature to hold purposes
- Key idea = NML is objectively ideal way to be human; measure humanity by this ideal, & if reached would be happy (reached max. physical, mental & spiritual health)
- People naturally follow NML because are inclined to do good, & what is good is what is natural
Aquinas was influenced by Aristotle's idea that all things have a purpose to which they work, & developed the theory
- Said our purpose can be understood through examination of natural world & Bible, which reveal God's purposes for us
- Humans free to make own decisions but are not lawless because live in ordered universe
Maintained that:
- universe & moral law within was created by God, & therefore has design & purpose which can be understood by looking at Bible & nature
- humanity was given reason & freedom to follow God's purpose
Called this NML, which is the rational understanding & following of God's final purpose
In the summa Theologica, Aquinas claimed that:
- all humans naturally incline towards NML
- this is accessible through nature
- it is universal and unchanging
- is relevant in all circumstances
- & is given by God
All can perceive NML, but only believers that attribute NML to God & recognise the eschatological implications will be rewarded in heaven
Primary purposes of human life & contradictions
Aquinas gave details to the purposes Aristotle mentioned, & said the primary purposes of life are to:
- Live
- Reproduce
- Learn
- Worship God
- Live in an ordered society
However, there are contradictions within these:
- E.g. is abortion wrong if it saves the mother's life/are the infertile not fulfiling the purpose to reproduce?
- Suggests NML may be less applicable/of less value now because many medical procedures go against it
- OTOH, natural law states that in a conflict, reason should be the guide to balance conflicts (when situation not in Bible or nature)
Applications & Biblical Reference
- NMl is supported by Roman Catholicism & Westborough Baptist Chruch
- It draws inspiration from the Bible in Paul's letters to the Romans, 1:20 "Ever since the creation of the world, his invisible nature, namely, his eternal power and deity has been clearly perceived in the things that have been made"
- Paul maintained that since NML is so evident in the universe, sinful man has no excuse for wrong doing
Secondary Precepts
= rules which direct people towards actions which uphold the primary purposes, and away from actions which undermine them
NML identifies 2 subordinate principles:
- those dictates of reason which flow logically from a primary purpose & are therefore self evident
- those dictates which are reached through a complex process of reasoning, which are supported by humans & divine law for public and private good, but which may be omitted in certain circumstances
- Aquinas stated that God gave man reason to accomplish the purposes (whether a believer or not), & fulfilling the purposes is the good towards which everything aims
- However, not possible to aim for perfections in fallen world
- Paul recognised this; "All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God"
- Nevertheless, Aquinas believed rational people would desire communication with God & act to accomplish that, & any action that promotes this is good
Aquinas' 4 laws & assumptions
Aquinas identified 4 kinds of law:
- Eternal Law (God's will and wisdom), which is revealed in
- Divine Law (given in scripture & church, & guides us to heaven), made known in
- Natural Law (the source of fulfillment on earth), from which
- Human Law, is derived
Romans, 13:1 says "Let every person be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except from God"
Aquinas also made several assumptions:
- that everyone seeks to worship God
- that we all have a purpose
- that as moral law comes from God we should obey it
- & that human nature has remained the same since creation
However, all of these are oen to challenge
To overcome the challenges, Hoose & McCormick proposed Proportionalism:
- It responds to NML by working within the framework but without insisting on preserving inflexible & absolutist interpretation, if a greater good is achieved by laying it aside
- It allows for ontic goods (which are non-moral but are desirable in moral decisions), E.g dignity, integrity & justice
- It has more practical value because it is more compassionate than NML, & insists NML must change because it is impossible to have eternal laws (as laws must be relative), & this is more applicable to daily life because it is flexible
However, does this not carry proportionalism away from deontology & into the realms of teleology?
- NML makes the distinction between the body & soul, rather than psycho-physical unity
- proportionalism remains more compassionate as does not allow for suffering for the sake of upholding laws, although Aquinas did allow that if a man were starving, would be better to steal food than die
Proportionalism allows for change because there are no eternal laws, but does it allow too much freedom?
Strenghts of NML
- it is a simpe & universal guide for judging moral actions, & the purposes are common to all people
- moral law is accessible through our reason which makes belief in God accessible because according to Aquinas, humans & God share the same rationality
- natural law appeals to the sense we have that morality is more than just a matter of personal preference
- & eventhough there is no universal consensus of right/wrong, there is a prevailing sense that some things are of intrinsic value
Weaknesses of NML
- Is everything in nature good?; natural disasters/murder/extinction & even abortion occurs in nature, meaning can not always look to nature to deduce what is good
- Aquinas' assumptions are not natural to all, E.g. assumed all seek to worship God = artificial because atheists do not (although, is it natural to be an atheist?)
- If main purpose is to live and reproduce, causes issues because of homosexuality and infertility, & also there have been amny advancement since Biblical times, incl. medical - how are we supposed to know whether to accept help if something is neither in the Bible nor natural, but can fulfil a purpose?
- The basis that everyone has a particular function to fulfil goes against modern portfolio thinking that we have a variety of purposes because life is complex & has many aspects
- there is no room in absolutist natural law for situationism/ relativism/ consequentialism/ individualism
- Aquinas commits the naturalistic fallacy, as claims we ought to follow our purpose, but does not mean we always can, & Aquinas did not follow purpose of reproducing because he was celibate (which means his understanding may have been limited)
Concluding Points
- Aquinas NML is - "Nothing else than the rational creatures' participation in eternal law"
- gives humans credit by claiming all have a purpose, although it does disregard individualism & is not subjective, so therefore is not always compassionate
In some ways wimilar to Kant's deontology because both are:
- absolutist
- do not take account of motives
- are not situational & do not rely on experience
- both state that people have rationality to access a moral law
- Concluding points (adapt to question):
- has meaning to followers
- has use in community but not so much for individual use
- can be used in modern day because proportionalism offers more flexible approach, but may be utilitarianism in disguise
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