Nazi Propaganda

  • Created by: Lozza8
  • Created on: 17-05-15 12:43

Organisation of Propaganda

The aims of Nazi Propaganda

  • To keep the population contented
  • To win support for policies
  • Indocrinate the people with their Weltanschaung (view of the world), and make them committed members of their Volkgemeinschaft


  • 1933- Dr Josef Goebbels was in charge of the Ministry for Popular Enlightenment and Propaganda (RMVP).
  • It is difficult to have a dictatorship without technology
  • Radio, loudspeakers, microphones, film, etc, made images and speeches accesable to all.
  • In 1932 Hitler was the first politician to use the aeroplane to travel to rallies to gain support.
  • The Central Propaganda office of the Nazi Party was created alongside the state structure of RMVP-consisting of its own party retaining propaganda and organisation.
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Methods of Propaganda


  • Individuals who were involved in the industry, such as journalists and editors, had to join organisations, that were compulsory for Nazi's to control them. 
  • The content of press release was controlled.
  • RMVP held daily press conferences and details on content length and position of articles.
  • The Nazi ownership of the press was extended. In 1933, they controlled 3% of newspapers. In 1939, they controlled 69%. In 1944, they controlled 82%. However, the name of these ownerships kept their names, despite them now being Nazi newspapers.


  • This was the most powerful tool for indoctrination.
  • 1934- Nazis took over control.
  • There were mass produced 'people recievers'- which were also subsidised.
  • Only one station available
  • 1939- 70% households owned a radio, there were commanual loudspeakers in the streets.
  • Entertainment programmes were transmitted, but most importantly Hitler's key speeches.
  • 1933=50 key boradcasts, this reached 56 million people from 70 million.
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Methods of Propaganda x2


  • Film companies were allowed to remain private (to avoid impact on export sales) until 1942, when they were nationalised.
  • Content of German and imported films were regulated by Goebbels who approved every film, only 1/6 contained propaganda.
  • The purpose of film was mainly for keeping support, not indoctrination.


  • Heinrich Hoffman=Hitler's official photographer.
  • Photos were stage managed.


  • Activites were organised for masses to develop fitness for soldiers and child bearers. Sport was also encouraged as a spectator activity.
  • 1936 Olympic Games Berlin-opportunity to display the physical superiority of Germany as the 'Master Race'. Anti-Semitic propaganda was reduced during the games. Germany headed the league table.
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Methods of Propaganda x3

Meetings and rallies

  • These were mainly attended by Nazi supporters; films may want them to take part.
  • They were choreographed and staged, like pop concerts are, including; flags, lights, uniforms, and music.
  • Hitlers speeches were a major part of rallies. They created a feeling of wanting to belong. 
  • These were often held on festival days, which celebrated key dates in the Nazi year.

The image of Hitler

  • Nazi propaganda portrayed Hitler as the supreme leader of a 'new' Germany, structured according to the Enabling Act (Fuhrer) and therefore stronger and more dynamic than Weimar democracy. He was seen as utterly devoted to the service of his country, a political genius responsible for solving German's problems, and an uncompromising man of stength and determination.


  • He was far from dedicating himself to the cause of his nation at all times-often on holiday. He was far from decisive-no clear decision making decisions (overlapping and competing structures). Hiter was also not responsible for some of the successes of Nazi Policy (Hjalmar Schacht-Minister of Economics).
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