Neurological assessment
- Created by: Kat:)11
- Created on: 19-04-16 10:26
Cerebral lobes and their functions
•Frontal lobe –voluntary motor activity –speech –thought •Temporal lobe –processes sound / speech •Occipital lobe –processes visual input •Parietal lobe –processes sensations ( touch, pressure, heat, cold) –proprioception; awareness of body position.
Why is neurological assessment important?
•To determine if someone’s level of consciousness and general neurological condition is: –static –improving –deteriorating
Common causes of altered consciousness have reduce
Examples may include……...
• Direct causes: head / spinal injury, brain damage (hypoxia, CVA, etc), neuromedical conditions, trauma, metabolic changes
• Secondary causes: drugs (sedatives / opiates / anaesthetics), environmental factors, homeostatic changes
What is the Glasgow Coma Scale?
A standardised and practical method of assessing impaired consciousness
Allows a baseline of neurological function to be established
Determines any changes in the patients neurological condition over a period of time
Detects life threatening situations & those which need medical intervention
Establishes the impact a condition has on the patients independence.
The Glasgow Coma Score (GCS)
Determining the degree of stimulation required to elicit a response.
•Three components •Eye opening (max. 4 points) •Best verbal responses (max. 5 points) •Best motor response (max 6 points)
The maximum score is 15
•Fully alert, orientated and responsive
Best eye opening response
•Closely linked to being awake, and that arousal mechanisms are functioning •Relates to function of brain stem, hypothalamus and thalamus (RAS) •Eye opening does not always indicate intact neurological function
Best eye opening response
4 Patient opens eyes spontaneously when nurse approaches bedside
3 Patient opens eyes in response to speech (normal, then increase volume if necessary)
2 Patient opens eyes in response to pressure (painful stimuli) (touch normally before using painful stimuli)
1 There is no response from the patient at all following sufficient stimuli
NT To be recorded if patients eyes are closed due to peri-orbital swelling
Best verbal response
• Examines comprehension (understanding) of sensory input & verbal stimuli
• Reflects patients ability to articulate and express a reply
• Involves cognition of stimuli
• May be affected if there has been damage to speech centres i.e. dysphagia
Best verbal response
5 Patient is orientated to time (month), place (where they are & why) + person (their name). Allowances are made for minor inconsistencies.
4 Patient is confused (able to converse but gives wrong answers)
3 Patient speaks only (inappropriate) words (minimal verbal response, no structure or sentence)
2 Patient makes only (incomprehensible) sounds (grunts or moans to verbal or painful stimuli)
1 Patient makes no response
NT Factor interfering with communication i.e. endo- or tracheal tube in situ
Best motor response
•Testing ability to identify sensory input & translate into motor response
•Focuses on performance of limbs
•Scores from highest level of brain involvement to lowest
•Purposeful response excludes automatic or reflex reaction.
Best motor response
6 Patient can obey commands which have 2 parts of instruction, such as ‘raise and lower your arm’.
5 Localises to pain (moves hand to remove a source of irritation). Needs to be specific response to source of sensory stimulation, usually to head or neck.
4 Attempts to withdraw (normal flexion) from the source of pain; flexion of arm towards pain but not localising.
Best motor response
3(Abnormal) flexion to pain (decorticate posturing). Pt will flex arm & rotate wrist. Legs may extend
2 Extension to pain (decerebrate posturing). Arms extend – elbow straight, arm rotates inwards. Legs may extend
1 No response, even to painful stimuli, in any limb
NT Factor ie. Patient paralysed
Abnormal Flexion (decorticate
In abnormal flexion the arms are flexed at the elbow and wrists rotate outwards. Legs are extended.
Extension (decerebrate)
In extension the body can become rigid, with the arms externally rotated and toes pointing down, legs extended.
Pain/Noxious Stimuli
•Central stimuli: •Trapezium squeeze
- advocated best practice
•Supraorbital pressure
But not…….
•Jaw margin pressure •Sternal rub
Pain/Noxious Stimuli
•Peripheral Stimuli: •Finger pressure
Pupillary reflex assessment
Clinical test for brain stem function
The light reflex tests two cranial nerves.
- Optic Nerve (II) - the sensory nerve of visual acuity
- Oculomotor nerve (III) - the motor nerve that controls pupillary response
Light shone into eyes causes
• direct reflex response to light falling on retina
• Consensual constriction of both pupils.
• Involves the autonomic nervous system
• sympathetic- pupil dilation
• parasympathetic- pupil constriction
Pupil assessment
•Size – look before shining light in.
•Pupils size can be affected by certain drugs for eg….
•Be aware of any pre-existing eye problems.
•Check each pupil reacts equally, or are unequal?
•Are they mishapen?
•Notice how sluggish, or briskly each pupil reacts to this light.
Pupil Documentation
•Pupil size should be noted before proceeding to test pupil response to direct light.
•Score pupil size 1-6mm
•+ is used to indicate a brisk response
•- is used to indicate no response
•SL is used to indicate a ‘sluggish’ response
•C is used to indicate closed eyes due to perirobital oedema.
Altered pupil responses
• Pupils should remain round throughout.
• If pupils are sluggish, oval or unequal may be a sign of raised ICP, haemorrhage or compression of cranial nerves
• However some people do have unequal pupils and are healthy
• Raised ICP constricts oculomotor (parasympathetic) nerve so eye remains dilated in response to light
• Abnormalities can include either constriction or dilation of pupils
Timings of neurological Observations
• Neuro obs should be carried out thoroughly and frequently until GCS =15
• half hourly for 2 hours
• Then 1-hourly for 4 hours
• 2 hourly thereafter
What factors may affect the patient’s neurological
•Time of day •Is the patient usually asleep? •Pain •individual response to pain •Pain induced increased BP, HR, RR •Medication •Sedatives, anticonvulsants, opiates. •Individual interpretation
- Assessment is subjective, seek second opinion when unsure.
•Other factors
- Glucose
Changes to GCS
•Consistency important; do GCS at handover •New or evolving neurological signs need to be reported immediately •GCS of 8 or below indicates coma; immediate help is required. A, B, C. •Helpful to note scores for each component as well as total •i.e. GCS 10/15 (E=4, V=T, M=6) •Pupil changes are often a late sign of deterioration
Emergency management of altered level of conscious
•Ensure the patient airway is patent –adjuncts as necessary
•Place patient horizontally in the lateral recovery position
•Oxygen therapy
•If patients breathing is inadequate, provide assisted ventilation using a manual resuscitator / bag-valve-mask
•Administer intravenous fluids to maintain adequate systolic BP
•Measure blood glucose & treat hypoglycaemia
Glasgow Coma Scale
•Advantages: •Universal scale •Relatively simple to use •Aims to ensure changes in patients condition are detected and acted upon at the earliest opportunity
Glasgow Coma Scale
•Can be misused / misunderstood
•GCS score not always helpful
•Some patients could score lower i.e. if intubated/ tracheostomy, or if on sedation etc
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