Rightful heir to Edward the confessorm promised in 1051.
No English sources mention this pledge, Norman factions in England.
1064, Harold visited Normandy and swore an oath under duress to support William.
No English sources, Harold had the assent of the dying King.
Wealthy, papal support. Anglo Saxon England was corrupt under Stigand, who was hated by Rome, and Harold, who broke an oath.
William was pious and had Caen's monestry with abbott Lanfranc and reform councils.
Pope Alexander II wanted English reform and central control so he supported William.
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The Normans
Descended from Vikingr raiders, normanus= northmen.
Viking Rollo signed a treaty with King Charles the simple for Rouen.
They settled and developed agriculture, adopting the language and culture of France.
William had almost 20 years of experience and a close inner cicrle, including Roger Montgomery, William fitz Osbern, Roger of Mortain and Bishop Odo of Bayeux.
They had famed cavalry, loyal magnates, kinship ties through marrige to other French nobles.
Normandy was prosperous and well governed, with tax collected by sheriffs.
It lacked natural boundaries of streams and fields, and it was exposed to rivals.
However, William defeated invasions and secured his borders enough to leave.
He conquered Maine and Brittany and gained the support of Flanders through Mathilda (Count Baldwin's daughter.
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