Nutrition and health: nutrition and cancer

  • Created by: kjaneway1
  • Created on: 04-04-18 21:14

statistics of cancer

- 10 million new cases of cancer are diagnosed per year worldwide 

- cancer affecrs one in three people over their lifetime 

- there are 28 million cancer survivors worldwide 

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what is cancer?

- cancer is a set of diseases characterised by abnormal cell growth and the ability to spread from the primary sites in the body (metastasis)

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cancer and genes

- cancer is the results of the accumulation of changes to your genes over time (mutarions) 

- genes are passed down to daughter cells every time a cell reproduces 

- genetically, cancer incidence is a function of age 

- genes are made up of DNA that can mutate 

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Agents that cause cancer

- ultraviolet light 

- x-rays 

- cigarette smoke/alcohol 

- obesity 

- chemicals 

- infectious agents 

- natural metabolic products 

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carcinogens cause cancer how?

- carcinogens danage genes. 

  - many bind to and mask the chemical instructions of genes. this results in permanent changes (mutations) in these instructions so that they do not work properly

- mutations in genes involved in cell growth,specialization, or cell suicide can cause cancer. these processes affect net cell number in the body.

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efforts make to reduce smoking

smoking bans 

- 1990 san luis obispo california became the first city to ban public smoking 

- the ban traveled in an eastward wave and has reached the uk 

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rates of cancer in males

see powerpoint images 

- lung cancer increased

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the uk is a model of good practice

- the uk is the only country in the world that has a network of free stop-smoking services 

- new drugs such as nicotine replacement treatments 

- champix/ chantix 

- zyban 

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new cancer cases in the uk


- breast 

- colorectal

- lung


- prostate 


- colorectal 

see powerrpoint for whole diagram 

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leading new cases of cancers differ among differen

for example

- usa female 31% breast cancer 4% non-hodgkin's lymphoma, 13% lung,12 % colon and 7% uterus 

- chinese male - 13% esophagus, 20% lung, 20% stomach, 19% liver, 7% colon 

- kenya male - 12% esophagus, 6% stomach, 6% liver, 7% kaposi's sarcoma, 8% prostate 

- austrailia/ new zealand female - 10% malanoma, 28% breast, 7% lung, 15% colon, 4% uterus 

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10 recomendation for the prevention of cancer

- be lean 

- be physically active 

- eat 5 poortions of fruita and vegitables a day 

- avaid sugary drinks and enerfy dense food 

- limit intake of alcohol 

- limit intake of read meat and processed meat 

- limit salt and avoid mouldy grains and legumes 

-meet nutritional needs through diet 

- mothers should breast feed 

- avoid smoking and exposure to tobacco smoke 

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causative factors of diet

foods can carry carcinogens 

- food sourse (eg salmon) abd contaminants PCBs (polychorinated biphenols) in farmed vs wild salmon 

- food preparation - roasting vs frying (hetrocyclic amines)

                             - preventatives (sodium nitrate) and pesticides: (benifit vs harm)

dietary deficiencies 

- folate is critical for nucleotide synthis and methylation deficicientcy - lead to mutation/misexpression 

chronic alcohol consumption

- classified as a carcinoen in 2007 by the IARC 

- alcohol is metabolised to form aldehyde which is a carcinogen 

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causative factors of cancer

obesity: BMI weight (Kg)/ (hight (m))2 

- cause breast, colorectum, endometrium, oesophagus, pancreas, gallbladder and kidney cancer 

red and processed meat 

- increase risk of colorectal cancer 


- increase risk of mouth, pharync, larynx, colorectum, liver and breat cancer 


- increase risk of stomach cancer 

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mechanism of obesity on cancer

- high fat deposits used of estrogen synthsis via aromatase- increase risk if breast cancer 

- food metabolism is linked with oxidation which increase relative oxygene species which can lead to mutations 

- causes a chronic inflammatory response which is the hallmark of cancer 

- leads to chtomically increase levels of insulin which stimilates cell growth 

- cahnges related to mictobiome (gut bacteria) may produce additional carcinogens 

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preventative factors

physical activity 

- resuces risk of colon and breast cancer. it also reduces obesity which is a causative factor of cancer 

plant foods 

- resuce risk of mouth, phylarync, larynx, ospsphagus, stomach, colorectal and lung cancer. also reduce obesity 


- reduce risk of breast cancer 


- macmillan cancer support part of standard care 2.5 hour/ week 

- physical activity after breast cancer diagnosis reduce risk of dealth, data sugests exercise reduce reoccurence rate and increases quality of life 

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possible mechanisms of exercise

- acts as an anti-oxident in a mannar similar to fruits and vegitables. 

- small strssors turn on anti-oxidant genes 

- affects gene modifications (methylation) leading to higher levels of tumor suppressor proteins 

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nutrients regulate gene expresion to prevent DNA d

- some detoxification genes respond to anti-oxidant 

- this mean that detox genes are regulated by antioxidants 

- components of food can turn on/off genes that protect us from carcinogens 

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