Examples of Studies which can be used to evaluate methods for measuring stress:
- Johansson (Stress at work)
- Kanner (Daily Hassles)
- Geer & Maisel (Lack of control)
- Holmes & Rahe (The Social Readjustment Rating Scale)
Strengths of Methods Used to Measure Stress:
Self report --> Reliable - easily replicated so can look for consistancies in results. Can generate qual. and quant. data - increases validity, can correlate between stress & psychological symptoms (Kanner)
Physiological --> Reliable/standardised procedure. Results can't be faked, are falsifiable/objective (no investigator bias) so valid. Generates quant. data.
Combined methods --> Using physiological methods with self report methods means that the physiological methods can confirm the validity of the self report answers/data collected (Concurrent validity!) - overcomes the problem of social desirability bias & demand characteristics.
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