Odyssey book summaries
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- Created by: shady.senpai
- Created on: 03-03-17 20:03
Book 4
- Telemachus & Nestor's son arrive at Menelaus' palace where good Xenia is shown.
- The palace is full of the treasures Melenaus found whilst travelling,
- Menelaus & Helen recognise Telemachus referring to how great Odysseus is and how he saved the whole army in Troy.
- Telemachus asks for news about Odysseus & tells Menelaus about the suitors.
- Menelaus tells his story about talking to Proteus the shapeshifter aka old man of the sea and finding out that Odysseus is a prisoner on an Island.
- After the talk Telemachus leaves to get back to Ithaca.
- In Ithaca the suitors form a plan to kill Telemachus.
- Penelope finds out about the plan and that Telemachus left and is upset.
- The suitors leave to persue Telemachus for his assasination.
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Book 5
- Athene asks Zeus to rescue Odysseus from Calypso, Zeus sends Hermes in response.
- Calypso asks Hermes questions before offering Xenia,
- Hermes tells Calypso to release Odysseus but she insists the gods are jealous.
- Odysseus is crying partly missing Ithaca partly missing his sexual relationship with Calypso.
- Calpyso tries to tempt Odysseus to stay but eventually swears to help him leave.
- Calypso gives Odysseus an axe, boring tools, meats, wine etc...
- Odysseus builds his raft and sails out, he becomes caught in winds sent by Poseidon,
- Ino gives Odysseus a veil of divine protection and advises him to ditch the raft and swim to safety.
- A more powerful storm hits Odysseus and Calypso tells Odysseus to hold onto a rock, he then washes up on the Phaeacian island.
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Book 6
- Athene in the form of Dymas tells the sleeping Nausicaa to wash some clothes with her maids.
- Nausicaa asks her father if she can do this by the river and he agrees.
- They wash the clothes until they are clean.
- The girls play a game and start shrieking because they lost the ball.
- Odysseus wakes up and scares the maids away.
- Odysseus & Nausicaa talk, Odysseus tells her his woeful journey.
- The miads give Odysseus a cloak and tunic to wear and tells him to wash in the stream, Odysseus tells them to leave whilst he does so.
- Athene makes Odysseus look more handsome.
- Nausicaa expresses that she wants to marry Odysseus.
- Then tells him how to get to the palace to speak to her father King Alcinous about getting home.
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Book 7
- Athene covers Odysseus in mist the protect him from Xenophobic Phaeacians.
- She then disguses as a young girl with a pitcher to give Odysseus directions to Alcinous' palace.
- Odysseus arrives at the palace and marvels at the decorations.
- He shows supplications to Arete by throwing his arms around her knees.
- Odysseus sits on the ashes but is then moved to a silver chair.
- Alcinous first thinks he is a god playing a trick on them.
- Then Odysseus tells them his story from Calypso to meeting Nausicaa and reaching the palace.
- Alcinous agrees to send him home the next day.
- Odysseus sleeps.
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Book 8
- Athene disguses as a herald to call an assembly of the Phaeacians telling them about Odysseus' arrival.
- She makes him taller with broad shoulders.
- The bard plays a song about Achilles and Oydsseus which makes him cry, Alcinous offers to play sports instead.
- Odysseus throws the discus very far, Athene disgused as one of the crowd encourage him.
- The bard sings the song about Ares and Aphrodites affair and punishment.
- They dance, play more sports and gather gifts for Odysseus.
- Odysseus has a hot bath and says goodbye to Nausicaa.
- The bard plays a song about Troy, Odysseus cries again.
- Alcinous questions who Odysseus really is, Odysseus begins his story.
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Book 9
- Odysseus starts his story by describing Ithaca with love.
- Odysseus and his men looted the Cicones of their wine and livestock, Odysseus suggested they escape but was ignored.
- This caused a battle which killed six of Odysseus's men from each ship.
- Zeus sent a storm which sent them to the lotus eaters, who gave them an addictive fruit (drugs) that made Odysseus's men want to stay there.
- Finally reaching the Cyclopes' Island they ate Polyphemus's cheese without permission, they were caught and trapped in the cave by a boulder.
- Odysseus lectures Polyphemus on the importance of Xenia.
- Polyphemus eats a couple of Odysseus's men.
- Odysseus gives the Cyclops strong wine which makes him fall asleep, telling Polyphemus that his name is nobody to confuse him.
- When the Cyclops falls asleep Odysseus blinds him with a sword, Cyclops calls out for help but nobody understands him.
- The men hide underneath the sheep to escape the cave.
- Odysseus reveals his identity to the Clyclops who then curses him to Poseidon whilst throwing boulders at Odysseus and his men.
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Book 10
- Odysseus and his men reach the Island of Aeolia where they meet Aeolus who gives them a bag of wind.
- Odysseus falls asleep, his men open the bag because they thought Odysseus was hiding treasure from them.
- The winds rushed out and sent them back to Aeolus who dimisses them as unlucky.
- They reach the Laestrygonians, all of their ships are destroyed apart from Odysseus's one because he left it outside the harbour.
- They reach Circe's Island and split up Eurylochus's group go to Circe first where all except him are turned into pigs.
- Odysseus is told this and goes off to bring his men back.
- Hermes stops Odysseus on the way and gives him a drug to make him immune from evil, also instructions on how to approach Circe.
- Odysseus confronts Circe, she turns his men back, they have sex, Odysseus and men stay there for a year.
- Circe tells Odysseus that he must sail to the underworld, pour offerings to the dead and Teiresias to hear a prophecy.
- Before Odysseus leaves Elpenor falls off the roof and dies breaking his neck because he was hung over.
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Book 11
- Circe sends Odysseus and his men a favourable breeze to help them get to the underworld.
- They reach the underworld.
- Odysseus pours honey and milk as libations to the dead, with a touch of water and sprinkle of white barley.
- Praying to the dead he promises to sacrifice a barren heifer in Ithaca with treaures on top.
- Then makes a seperate offering to Teiresias which is the finest jet-black sheep he owns.
- The spirits of the dead arrive, Elpenor is first and requests to be buried with his oar placed on top.
- Then Anticleia Odysseus's mother arrives, Odysseus didn't know she was dead and is shocked.
- Odysseus speaks to Teiresias who tells him about Penelope's loyalty, what he must do to kill the suitors and about. his future
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Book 11 pt 2
- Anticleia drinks blood which allows her to embrace Odysseus.
- She tells him she died of heartbreak missing him, and that his father Laertes is on a farm alone and depressed.
- Odysseus meets many other women mostly Queens.
- He breaks his story to talk to Alcinous about gifts.
- Back to the story Odysseus meets Agammenmon who tells him about Clytemnestra killing him and not to trust women.
- He then meets Achilles.
- Then Ajax who he had a conflict with about keeping Achilles' armour.
- Then other people and someone called Heracles.
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Book 12
- They go back to Circe's Island to bury Elpenor.
- Circe tells them where to go next, Circe also tells them they will reach Thrinacie the sun gods island but they must leave everything alone.
- Another favourable wind and they left, Odysseus repeats Circe's information to his men.
- They reach the sirens, Odysseus is tied to the mast of the ship and his men given wax to block their ears.
- They reach Scylla and avoid Charybdis, Odysseus ignores Circes advice and arms himself against it, Scylla takes six of his strongest men.
- They finally reach the sun gods Island, Odysseus tells them they should stay clear but Eurylocus starts a rebellion causing them to stay.
- Although swearing an oath not to kill any cattle once Odysseus falls asleep his men disobey this.
- Due to this they are sent an omen, the animal skins crawl about, Zeus sends a storm that keeps them on the Island longer.
- Once they finally leave Zeus strikes the vessel with lightening killing eveyone but Odysseus.
- He manages to escape Charybdis by hanging onto the fig tree and letting it eat his boat.
- This is when he drifts to Calypso's Island, where the story to the Phaeacians ends.
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Book 18
- Odysseus disguised as a beggar has an arguement with Irus, a real beggar.
- Antinous suggests they have a physical fight to win goats paunches stuffed with fat and blood & the chance to join them regularly at dinner.
- Odysseus makes them take an oath to promise they won't join in the fight with Irus against him.
- Odysseus reveals his athletic body and Athene fills out his muscles.
- They fight and Odysseus wins.
- Odysseus tells Amphinomus that blood will be shed before the suitors leave.
- Athene makes Penelope more valued by her family & beautiful to the suitors.
- Penelope tells Telemachus off for allowing the fight to happen.
- Penelope persuades the suitors to bring her gifts.
- Melantho insults Odysseus and he threatens her.
- Eurymachus throws a stool at Odysseus but misses.
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Book 19
- Telemachus acting on Odysseus' order tells Eurycleia to lock the maids away and hide the weapons.
- Odysseus and Penelope argue with Melantho.
- Penelope talks to Odysseus the beggar and he lies to her.
- Eurycleia believes the beggar is similar to Odysseus, then she recognises the scar on his foot.
- Odysseus grips her throat & threatens to kill her so she won't reveal his identity.
- Penelope tells Odysseus the beggar her forshadowing dream of the suitor's death.
- Penelope tells the beggar of her plan to test which one of the suitors can string the bow and shoot it through the axes.
- Then Penelope goes to her room to cry for Odysseus until Athene makes her sleep.
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Book 20
- Odysseus can't sleep because he is debating whether to kill them all now or wait.
- Athene tells him to put trust in her as she is a goddess.
- Penelope prays for death.
- Odysseus asks for a good omen and Zeus delivers.
- The maids clean the house in preperation for the competition.
- Melenathius attempts to argue with Odysseus.
- Odysseus tests Philoteus the cowherd and finds he is still loyal.
- Telemachus shows authority over the suitors and Antinous insults him.
- Athene instigates a fight by causing a suitor to throw a cow hoof at Odysseus.
- Athene causes blood to splatter the suitors, makes them laugh and causes ghosts to fill the palace as a bad omen to the them.
- Theoclymenus the seer predicts that the suitors will face catosprophe.
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Book 21
- Penelope sets up the bow and arrow challenge after being prompted by Athene.
- Eumaeus and Philoetius cry for Odysseus and Antinous insults them.
- Telemachus attempts to string the bow but fails.
- The other suitors fail.
- Odysseus reveals himself to Philoetius and Eumaus and they cry.
- Eurymachus fails so Antinous suggests they sacrifice to the god's and try to string it the next day.
- Odysseus tells the suitors he will string the bow and they insult him.
- Telemachus tells Penelope to go to her room.
- Odysseus the beggar strings the bow and shoots it through the target easily.
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Book 22
- Odysseus kills Antinous first and the other suitors try to fight but all die.
- Melanthius finds the weapons and hands them to the remaining suitors.
- Eumaus and Philoetius tie Melanthius up.
- Athene assumes the form of Mentor and helps them kill off the rest of the suitors.
- Telemachus spares the life of the bard and the herarld.
- Eurycleia leaves to tell the maids to come to the great hall.
- Odysseus hangs the maids who behaved like bad servants.
- They slice off Melanthius' nose, ears, hands, feet off and leave his genitals for the dogs to eat.
- Eurycleia leaves to tell the loyal serving women that Odysseus is back and they embrace him.
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