Of Mice and Men English OCR Notes for Of Mice and Men 4.0 / 5 based on 5 ratings ? English LiteratureOf Mice and MenGCSEAll boards Created by: Saira DudhiaCreated on: 21-05-12 14:31 John Steinbeck & The Depression born in Salinas, California in 1902. from a wealthy family but was interested in the lives of labourers and so spent time working with them. wrote other books such as 'The Grapes of Wrath' about people who dreamed of better lives. The Depression October 1929 = Wall Street Crash. It crippled the country from 1930-1936. food shortages throughout the country. settlements known as hoovervilles. droughts in the South. Ranch hands got paid less. 1 of 7 George & Lennie George Loyal to lennie 1) tells him to behave 2) makes him have food and water Doesn't always be gentle to him No problem of his own - smart so can get work. - believes in the dream farm. Realistic character 1) normal guy 2) sympathy ofr him Dream keeps him going 1) dream dies with lennie Lennie Huge grown man 1) childlike 2) condition not expalained 3) soft things Animalistic 1) eats/drinks 2) 'drags his paws' 3) follows George around. Depends on George 1) can't survive on his own. 2) good worker Cunning 1) gets George to talk about dream farm Killer 1) nicest 2) attacks Curley's wife 3) fear into anger. 2 of 7 Slim & Candy & Curley Slim lead-mule driver. natural leader and everyone looks up to him. he has quiet dignity, doesn't need to assert himself to have authority. "His authority was so great that his word was taken on any subject, be it politics or love." Candy seems harmless but gets angry when plans ae ruined. weak/disabled and gets left behind and believs in dream farm. old/useless like dog. Curley small - hates big guys - he is a prize fighter and looks to fight. 3 of 7 Crooks and Curleys Wife Crooks has his own room (small, basic) and has his own privacy. only black man in the book. he is lonely - jealous of George & Lennie and offers to work for them for free and then is part of something. Curley's Wife Main woman men worry because she is flirty. called 'rattrap' because she is a threat. wears a lot of make up and red lips which is like the red dress in Weed. she is lonely. pretends to be looking for Curley but she's looking for attention. Sympathy felt towards her. Typical life of a woman in the 1930's. 4 of 7 Themes (1) Loneliness George says that ranchers are the loneliest people in the world. lonely by race and by gender. friendship ends in disaster. Curley's wife tries to be friends with the ranches but leads to her death. Animals are temporary friends : the dog, mice. Quotes : ' I get awful lonely' (Page 122) 'can't talk to nobody but Curley' (Page 123) = he holds her back. = married to escape life she had but she is trapped again ' He gets mad' = asserts authority = no love from him. ' Guy goes nuts' (Page 105) 5 of 7 Themes (2) Race Crooks shows black society, use of '******' which is a derogitory term. lives in barn = animalistic rights. Quotes : ' Nobody ain't got any rights' (Page 100) 'difficult to conceal pleasure with anger.." (Page 107) 'thin-lipped' (Page 99) - suppressed and little opportunity to speak. 'Crooks spoke irritably' (Page 107) = adverbs (scornfully, daring) Gender Curley's wife = main character who's female. no name - possession, no individuality. socially/financially dependent and is trapped. 'couldn't get no-where' (Page 124) 'full rouged lips' (Page 53) 6 of 7 Themes (3) Dreams American Dream : not attainable. All their dreams are doomed. Quotes : ' Baloney! ' (Page 112) to the dream. ' It's just like heaven - nobody gets to heave, nobody gets land' (Page 106) 'I think....' (Page 131 - George said it would have not worked, referring to the dream. Age mentality in this society is, if you are old, you have no use. 'old, candy'= derived by age. 'dog is old' = like Candy (Page 80) 'looks hopelessly' (Page 72) = not as important as younger. 7 of 7
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