Intro: Put forward by St Anselm of Canterbury- Infinite form of prayer. Ontology- Branch of metaphysics concerned with "being". Originates with two proslogions.
Para 1 Premise 1:God is a being which nothing greater can be conceived- Anselm sets out to define God which is clearly praiseworthy.Premise 2: Existence is better in rei rather than in intellectu. Therefore, God must exist.
Para 2: Descartes, described God as "perfect". He believed this to be a predicate of existence. This strengthens the argument for the existence of God, as surely a perfect God would actually exist in reality.
Para 3; It is an apriori argument. Based on logic and reasoning to reach a sound conclusion. Analytic and deductive proofs strenghten the argument. If the premises are accepted then the argument provides proof not possibility.
Para 4: Guanilo attempts to disprove the argument but fails to understand it. Island Unequivocally different to God.
Conc: Anselms argument can be applied to both believers and atheists.Many strengths have overcome its criticisms.
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