In 1855 political oppossition lacked unified ideology, this had NOT CHANGED in 1964. - Due to stagnate and corrupt regimes. However Liberal democracy did not seem appealing in 1964 due to Cold War.
In 1855 little possibilty of substantial political change, autocracy was firm with strong ideology (divine right) - repressive system established STILL TRUE in 1964 - Lenin and Stalin if not similar, stronger ideological belief (able to use modern methods e.g. propoganda). Opposition was driven underground.
1855 there were some reforms and relaxing of repression, however, no wish for democracy or to destroy autocracy SIMILAR to Communist Party who did not want free elections.
1855 saw change because of War against foreign powers but NOT a direct influence from foreign powers WHEREAS there was more opposition from abroad (Cold War) than there had been in 1855.