- Created by: Jamie
- Created on: 13-04-11 19:52
State schools
Model course (military drill)
Characteristics: Compulsory/no equipment/taught by NCO's/mixed sx and ages/adult exercises for children.
Aims: develop fitness/prepare for work/create obedience.
Suitible 4 working class?: developed obedience/expected to know their place/suitible for prep for war/makes better troops.
State schools
Moving and Growing
characteristics:trained staff/good facilities/free movement/educational focus/active/used apparatus/encouraged creativity.
Teaching style: Guidance rather than force/observational role/ work with individuals/rather than large groups/teachers devise own work.
Attitude change:more child centered/more educational focus/more fun/childs needs considered.
State school
National Curriculum
4 key stages
Aims:acheive physical confidence/perform range of activities/acheive physical skillfullness/gain knowledge about body/learn how to plan perform and evaluate.
Teaching style: teachers set problems/children use creativity and imagination to solve them/teachers facilitate learning through problem solving and guidance.
State school
1904 syllabus:attempted to bring education to physical training
1919 syllabus:written by medics/learning through play/intended to improve health and fitness/recognition of skills being learnt/rest of syllabus remained as exercises. Teaching style;women so tried to resist return of millitary drill.
1933 syllabus:different activites for juniors and seniors/good facilities/new schools/reflected emergence of literate working class. Concepts;health and fitness/play for older children. Method; systematic activities intro of gym skills/games.
National curriculum
established in 1990's
Aims;acheive competance and confidence/acheive skillfullness/gain knowledge of body and health/learn how to play perform and evaluate.
Key stage 1 (5-7)
Concepts:natural enthusiasm/expore and learn/watching listening and experimenting/enjoyable expressive and are able to test themselves.
Priciples:fundamental motor skills/sequences of movements/individual and group work.
National curriculum
Key stage 2 (7-11)
Activities:games/gym/swimming/dance/choice between athletics or OAA.
Concepts:skill experiences/development of imagination and creativity/co-op and competition/challenge of the natural outdoors.
Principles:futhering of motor skills/co-ord developed/more complex movement patterns.
National curriculum
Key stage 3 (11-14)
Activities:games/gym/dance/athletics/swimming or OAA.
Concepts:more expert in skills and tech/take initiative and make decisions/identify perferred sport/understand affective performance.
Priciples:refine motor skills/learn rules and tactics/learn even more complex movements/learn how to prep and recover from activities.
National curriculum
Activities:games/one activity or KS 2 and 3.
Concepts:acheive physical competance and confidence/acheive physical skillfullness/discover abilities/gain knowledge of body and health/decide on roles in sport performer,official,coach.
Principles:undertake different roles/prep training programmes/refining skills and tactics/understanding theoretical principles of exercise programmes.
Influencing factors of PE provision (child experie
Opportunity:time in school/ time out of school/staffing. E,G;teachers not paid/health and safety concerns/timetable restrictions/OAA access/Untrained staff.
Provision:availibilty and affordability of facilities/quality,quantity and convenience of equipment. E,G;financial pressure/maintenance of equip/cost of travel/inadquate facilities/availibility of OAA.
Esteem:attitudes of teachers and heads/Motivation of individual and peers. E,G;academic emphisised not sport/not valued by parents/enthusiasm of head and teachers.
Influencing factors of PE provision (child experie
Solutions:building of new facilities/dual use of facilities by community and school/ form school club links/source of income.
Resons for post school gap:not compulsory/competing intrests/facilities are no longer accessible/poor school club links/less leisure time.
Solutions for post school gap:improve school club links/instill knowledge of health/concessionary rates/youth sessions.
Developing school club links
Game plan:sets out strategy for delivering the nations physical activity,reduce costs of inactivity,improve international level success.
Four plans:grass roots participation/high performance sport/mega sporting events/delivery(public,private etc)
(PESSCL) Physical education and school sport club links: sports colleges/school sport partniships/gifted and talented/swimming/step into sport/active sport/TOP programme/young ambassadors.
Aims:to improve participation of 5-16 years old/all spend 2 hours per week minimum.
Developing school club links
Sports colleges:established by youth sport trust Aims;given extra funding for facilities and staff to improve participation and develop excellence.
School sport partneships:groups of schools working together to develop PE and sport for young people.Managed by sports colleges who work with reps in secondary schols and primary schools. Aims;link school and local facilities/co-ord of facilities usage/competetions can be held and developed between schools
Gifted and talented managed by youth sport trust Aims;identify sporting potential in schools and support high acheivers.
Developing school club links
Swimming:free swimming for school children and OAP's up to 2012.
Step into sport:develop coaches and leaders. Aims;increase quality,quantity and diversity of young people ingaged in all aspects of sports/allows children to gain qualification and experiene how to organise activities/develop communicaion and develop motivation. FOUR LEVELS; JSLA(junior sports leadership awards) CSLA(16+) HSLA(high sport leader award) BELA(basic expedition leader award)
Active Sports:Aims;encourage and increase participation through liason between local providers schools,clubs etc/young person can be involved in club sport,governing body performance programme,fast track to world class programme. THREE STRANDS:active schools/active communities/world class programme talent.
Developing school club links
TOP programme: youth sport trust initiative. Aims;increase participation in schools via: TOP tots (18 months-3years)learning simple games, TOP start(3-5)'have a go' at a range of activities then onto TOP link and TOP sport, also TOP sports ability for the disabled.
Young ambassadors:until 2012/within sports partnerships/2 youths chosen to represent sport and the ethics and values of the olympic and paralympic games.
Equal opportunities
Equal opportunity:An equal chance to participate regardless of gender sexual preference age etc.
Discrimination:treating people differently through prejudice,unfair treatment of one person or a group.
Stereotyping:an oversimplified view of someone, a standardized image.
Inclusivness:including people of all kinds within and activities or groups.
Prejudice:holding a pre formed judgement or opinion of someone based on irrational,incomplete or innacurate stereotypical views.
Equal opportunities
5 General barriers:
Lack of opportunity:facilities/funds/discrimination from others.
Lack of personal resources:Personal income/work commitments/time/money.
Discrimination:Participation prevented because of prejudice about race age etc/stereotyping boys for rugby women for lady like activities.
Self discrimination:fear of abuse/fear of not being made welcome/may then set up own groups further isolating them.
Group/peer pressure:mates not participating/sport not seen important/active discouragment of persuing sport.
Barriers and solutions
Women:Barriers;"sport could damage women"/less media coverage/less role models/lower prize money/fewer female coaches and officials.
Solutions;greater social exception/better media coverage/more women coaches encouraged/stereotypical myths refuted via education/women sports foundation.
Womens sport foundation:promotes sport via;improve body image/reduce stress/lowers obesity risk/increases chance of academic success.
Barriers and soultions
Socioeconomic:barriers;less disposable income/activities seen to be associated with different classes yachting etc/less leisure time/low self esteem and fitness levels.
Solutions;lottery and exchequer funded initiatives/subsidised provision/action zones set up by sport england to work with ASBOs,community health services,provide education and clubs where none exist.
Sport england supporting government aims to increase participation through various initiatives and work with NGB's
Barriers and solutions
Ethnic groups:barriers;racism/religous conflict/lower self esteem/fewer role models/lack of media coverage/parental preferences.
Solutions;training more ethnic minority sport coaches/educating stereotyping effects/publishing and punishing racist abuse/organising campaigns/greater media coverage and information on ethnic sporting.
1993 lets kick racism out of football;works with clubs community and educational sectors to challenge racism
Barriers and solutions
Disability:Barriers;lower income levels/low self esteem and image/low media coverage/poor stereotypes and myths/lack of specialist equipment and coaching.
Solutions;educate people about inapropriate attitudes/increase media coverage/increase funding to provide specialist equipment and coaches/provide transport/adapt sports for disability.
increased media attention of paralympic activities
Inclusivness which recognises that diversity of needs does not mean that segregation should occur
integreation the act of incorporating individuals into mainstream society.
Barriers and solutions
Social exclusion;what can happen to people who suffer from linked problems
Discriminations;make a distinction or give unfair treatment especially due to prejudice
Social mobility;movement of individuals up or down the social class structure
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