1900s Early Behaviorists rejected introspection
John B. Watson argues that introspection was subjective which meant that it was based on personal feelings and that it varied from person to person.
1930s Behaviourist scientific approach dominated psychology
Behaviourists focus on learning and the use of carefully controlled lab studies.
BF Skinner established the behaviourist approach.The psychodynamic and behaviourist approaches dominate psychology over the next fifty years.
1950s Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow develop the humanistic approach. This was known as the third force in psychology. they rejected the views favoured by psychodynamic and behaviourism approach that human behaviour was not determined by the individual. Humanistic approaches focus on the importance of self-determination and free will.
1960s The Cognitive revolution came with the introduction on the digital computer. The cognitive approach re introduces the study of mental processes but in a much more scientific way.
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