Overview:Key Issues/Developments 1812-30 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryModern Britain from 1750ASWJEC Created by: ktommoCreated on: 16-05-17 15:31 1822-30 For 1822 marked a significant change in policy Government after 1822 was liberal Period of Free Trade and Enlightened Reforms However 1822 was not a turning point Policies developed as economy improved More continuity throughout 1812-1830 than change Liverpool was following example set by Pitt i.e Repression during unstable periods and reforms during stable period Tories did not pass Parliamentary Reform 1 of 6 Economic Reforms For 1822 represented a significant change in Liverpool's Government's policy Move towards free trade Against Foundations for economic reform were laid before 1821 Change in policy was mainly due to improving economy Didn't achieve free trade-just reduced tariffs Corn Laws were maintained 2 of 6 Home Office Reforms For Seemed to adopt a more 'liberal' approach after 1822 Reforms appeared to be more liberal and humanitarian Listened to the work of reformers Changes made to penal code, jails and metropolitan police However Foundations were laid before 1821 Peel simply removed out of date or little used laws There was no significant reduction in number of executions Limited e.g Jails Act 3 of 6 Trade Union Reforms For Appeared more liberal by removing Combination Laws 1799/1800 However The Amending Act (1825) placed limitations of trade unions Combination Laws had not prevented strikes from taking place 4 of 6 Religious Reforms For Repeal of the Test and Corporations Act 1828-showed tolerance to non-conformists However Didn't apply to Catholics Simply formalizing what was already happening 5 of 6 Catholic Emancipation For Gave Catholics the right to sit in House of Commons and hold Government jobs However Change in voting qualification in Irish counties reduced the influence of Catholic voters After Liverpool's resignation Largely due to the campaigning of the Catholic Association and Daniel O'Connell 6 of 6
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