pe- personal health and well being

  • Created by: eleanor
  • Created on: 28-04-13 15:59

diet and nutrition

Carbohydrates- Provides quick energy. 60% of our diet should comprise 'carbs'.Running. Athletes in training will eat more 'carbs'. Marathon runners will 'load' before the event.Pasta, cereals and potatoes

Fats-NB Unsaturated fats are healthy. Too much saturated fat from animal products can lead to heart disease. Provides slow energy. 25% of our diet should be fat.Walking and low impact exercise - it produces energy too slowly to be used when working hard.Oils, dairy products, nuts and fish

Protein- Builds and repairs muscle. We only need 15% of our diet to be protein.When training hard and recovering from injury. ‘Power’ athletes such as weight lifters will eat more protein.Meat, pulses and fish

 Vitamins (micronutrients)-Helps the body work. Helps concentration.Staying calm, making quick decisions- Fresh fruit and vegetables

  • A - for vision
  • B - for energy production and stress reduction
  • C - to keep skin healthy
  • D - to help bones and teeth
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diet and nutrition

Minerals-(micronutrients) Helps release energy from food. Helps decision making. When training hard and competing. Fruit, vegetables and fish- eg

Calcium - to strengthen bones

Iodine - for energy production

Iron - prevents fatigue

Fibre- Can't be digested. Fills you up and keeps you 'regular'Healthy digestion, (no constipation) helps in sport. Also helps with weight control.Fresh fruit, vegetables and wholegrain cereals

 Water- Maintains fluid levels. Whenever you sweat. It prevents dehydration.

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diet and exercise

lifestyle- the amount of activity you do affects how much you should eat. e.g. an officer worker will need less food than a builder who will need more energy 

age- when you're young,you're growing and active and so you eat a lot. adults have stopped growing and are normally less active. 

size and sex- the bigger you are the more food the body needs. men are usually bigger and have more muscle than women so they need to eat more. 

BMR stands for Basic Metabolic Rate; the number of kilojoules you use to stay alive each day.

PAL stands for Physical Activity Level; the number of kilojoules you use to fuel all of your physical activity.

BMR + PAL = your daily energy requirement.

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