With the help of Attorney General Noy, CI revised long forgotten taxes and tightened gov spending.
- Signed the Treaty of Madrid in 30, as a result his spendng on war reduced from £500,000 to less than £70,000.
- Raised £358,000 from T&P.
- Fines for building on royal forests raised £40,000.
- 30, CI revived a medieval custom based on an Act from 1278 known as the distraint of knighthood, whereby all those with land worth more than £40 per annum were expected to be knighted by the monarch on their coronation. If they failed to present themselves they were fined. Roughly £175,000 was raised.
- CI issued monoplies in return for a fee. (E.g. Soap given to Catholic courtiers)
- Feudal device, wardship revenue, raised £55,000.
- Ship Money, CI introduced it as an annual tax and charged all counties (not just those near the coast). Raised £200,000.
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