Revolutionary record:Committee member, carried out orders, didnt give them
Relationship with Lenin: Lenin relied on Stalin's admin ability and loyalty. when Lenin fell ill, Stalin was critical.
Lenin's Testament:Highly criticised "concentrated an enormous power in his hands" didn't always use it wisely.
Part appeal: Had the power to advance peoples careers.
Party Powerbase: General Secretary, Head of Secretariat & Central Control Commission.
Government powerbase: Sovnakom
1. General Secretary Responsible for hiring and promoting party members The Lenin Enrolment 1923-25 Stalin increased Party size, Trotsky's influence decreased GS - allowed Stalin to manipulate who attended Party Congresses. He appointed a number of delegates = influence over Central Committee
2. Head of Central Control Commission-Power to sack Party members
3. Head of Workers' and Peasants' InspectoratePower to sack Party members
4. Commissar for Nationalities - Oversaw affairs of non-Russians in the USSRCommunicated with senior officials in the USSR
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Revolutionary record: Lead figure in St Petersburg, ovember 1905 ; 1917, his reputation won support; He organised the Communist seizure of power
Relationship with Lenin: Turbulent early on; Returned to Russia in 1917: worked closely with Lenin; Acted as Lenin's principle Lieutenant
Lenin's Testament: "most able man in the present Central Committee" however too much self confidence
Party appeal: many enemies due to not being a 'typical' communist;had the support of many young communists, students + loyalty of Red Army; joined the party late -weakness
Party Powerbase: Politburo
Government Powerbase: Head of Red Army, Sovnakom
1.He didn't have the authority to give orders to the army without the permission/agreement of the Politburo.
2.His position as head of the RA earned him the respect of young party members
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Revolutionary record:Leading light in Moscow Communist Party, 1917; post October revolution, his radicalism inspired compatriots to seize power in Moscow; made publications forPravda during civil-war; encorages German communists to rise up in Germany.
Relationship with Lenin: Admired him; following revolution he headed first communist opposition group. End of civil War embraced Lenin's NEP.
Lenin's testament: Favourite of the party; most able force amongst the youngest; theoretical views on marxism were doubtful.
Party appeal: 1921, foreign visitor to Moscow claimed he was eventual successor of Lenin.
Party Powerbase: Politburo; Party theorist; editor of newspapers Pravda & Communist
Government powerbase: none.
1. Candidate member of Politburo so had no vote.
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Revolutionary record: October, 1917 opposed planned coup; during Civil War stayed at Petrograd's most Luxurious hotel, far from the fighting.
Relationship with Lenin: With Lenin during exile; Returned with Lenin, April 1917, went into hiding together mid-1917: One of Lenin's closest friends; However he disagreed imminent Communist siezure of power & felt power should be shared with other socialist parties.
Lenin's testament: Disloyal; Lack of vision; "October episode of Zinoviev & Kamenev wasn't accidental"
Party appeal: Least appealing, good speaker when crowd agreed. Disliked for political failings
Party powerbase: Politburo; Head of Comintern & Petrograd & Moscow branches of party.
Government powerbase: None, didnt serve on the Sovnakom.
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Revolutionary record: Caution rather than revolutionary passion.
Relationship with Lenin: Closest friend after Zinoviev.
Lenin's testament: Disloyal; Lack of vision; "October episode of Zinoviev & Kamenev wasn't accidental"
Party appeal: Little personal ambition; reputation for compramise
Party powerbase: Chairman of Central Committee; Head of Petrograd and Moscow local branches
Government powerbase: Chairman of Sovnakom - acting head of soviet government
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