- Created by: Katharine Lewis
- Created on: 16-01-14 19:19
The 'Five Rights'
- Right drug
- Right dose
- Right time
- Right route
- Right patient
Types of Pharmacology
Pharmocognosy = sources of drugs
Pharmacokinetics = absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of drugs in the body
Pharmacodynamics = using drugs to prevent/ treat disease
Toxicolgy = study of poisons and unwanted effects
Pharmacognosy = the source of drugs
- plant
- animal
- mineral
- chemical (synthetic)
Routes of Administration
- oral
- inhaler
- patch
- topical (applied to body surfaces; eyes, nose, vagina, skin...)
- intramuscular
- subcutaneous (beneath the skin)
- suppositry (rectum)
- intravenour (fastest route)
Factors Affecting Drug Absorption
- route of administration
- ability of drug to dissolve
- food/fluids already in the body
- weight (body surface area)
- status of absorptive surface
- rate of blood flow to small intestine
- lipid solubility (ability to dissolve in fat)
- status of digestive system (old age/ poor system)
Distribution of Drugs
- transported by the blood stream
- water/fat soluable (dissolves in)
- areas of quick distrubution: liver, heart, kidneys, brain
- areas of slow distribution: muscle, fat, skin
'First Pass Effect'
- When the liver removes a drug before it is available for use (when orally administered)
- the liver may extensively metabolise a drug before it passes into the circulatory system (less effective?)
- IV administration bypasses the liver - preventing the first pass effect
Intravenous (IV) is the fastest route of administration
Danger of Drug Metabolism
Danger of delayed drug metabolism:
- accumulation of drugs
- prolonged action of drugs
= possible overdose or adverse reaction when mixing drugs
Danger of stimulated drug metabolism:
- diminished pharmacologic effects (may not achieve desired effect/ too quick)
Excretion of Drugs
Through the:
- kindeys
- liver
- bowel
Enterohepatic circulation = circulation of drugs through the GI tract
Biliary excretion = initiated in the liver
- receptors are reactive sites on a cell which selectively bind with a drug creating a pharmacologic response
Affinity = how well a drug will fit with a receptor (better fit = better response)
Agonist = drug and receptor bind leadingto a pharmacologic response
Antagonist = prevent a substance binding to receptors (eg. Beta Blockers)
Mechanism of Action of Drugs
- effects depend on the cells or organ targeted by the drug
- once the drug hits the 'site of action' it can modify how and the rate at which a cell/ tissue functions
Enzyme Interaction
- Enzymes catalyse nearly all reactions in a cell
- drugs interact with enzymes to alter the response/effect
- can 'fool' enzyme into binding to a drug instead of a target cell
Non-specific Interaction Between Enzymes and Drugs
- doesn't involve a receptor site or an alteration in enzyme function
- main site of action is cell membrane
- drug will interfere or chemically alter cell function/ process
- final product - defect/cell death (eg. caner treatment/ antibiotics)
*sometimes not specific enough - e.g. could treat throat infection but cause an alteration in the bacteria of the vagina
Types of Drug Effects
- Theraputic effect = expected response
- Side effect = unintended secondary effects (from harmless to serious)
- Adverse effect = undesirable response
- Toxic effect = developed after prolonged intake /impaired metabolism or excretion
- Idiosyncratic reaction = unpredictable effects (differs per individual)
- Allergic reaction = drug acts as antigen (bad) which triggers the body to release antibodies - can be mild-severe (eg. hives/itching)
Pregnancy and Breastfeeding
- drugs can cross the placenta
- first trimester is the period of greatest danger for drug induced fetal defects
- can affect growth and functional developments in second trimester
- can affect labour/the neonnate
Breast Feeding
- exposes bf infants to drugs consumed by mother
- risk to benefit ratio must be considered
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