A main strength of the physiological approach is the use of sophisticated equipment such as MRI scanners which provide an objective and precise way of mesuring brain structure.
e.g Maguire was able to scan living brains using MRI technology which enabled the researchers to gain lots of quantitative and objective data about the density of the grey matter of the hippocampus.
e.g Raine used Pet scans, glucose tracers etc.
Allows for scientific, precise data which we can gather a lot of information from, sees psychology as a hard science.
Another strength is the practical applicatons that it offers. Much of the research in this area is very useful aas it may be used to diagnose and develop treatments and therapies for illnesses and problems.
e.g Maguireimplications for those with brain injury because of the plasticity of the brain.
e.g Biological explanations for depression, lead to biological treatments. Wender is one example of this.
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