Plague and Responses in Early Modern Britain 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryPeople's HealthGCSEOCR Created by: Kiki BCreated on: 16-10-18 19:19 Plague and Responses in Early Modern Britain Kept Coming Back 8 outbreaks between 1500-1670 Common in dirty places (towns) 1 of 11 Plague and Responses in Early Modern Britain Symptoms Blister when bitten by flea Headaches, sick, thirst, high temp and terrible pain Bubloes in groin, neck and armpit Red, blue and purple blotches on skin Death came within 5 days. 2 of 11 Plague and Responses in Early Modern Britain Impact 10%-30% area died Poor/ dirty areas were worse hit 3 of 11 Plague and Responses in Early Modern Britain Nobody Understood It Believed God/miasma caused plague Believed dead bodies/dirty water/filthy streets cause plague 4 of 11 Plague and Responses in Early Modern Britain National Government 1518 Isolated families in clearly marked houses. Bundles of straw from windows Carried white sticks. National Government tried to improve health for first time. 5 of 11 Plague and Responses in Early Modern Britain National Government 1578 Plague Orders printed by Queen Elizabeth I Special prayers said in Church Barrels of tar burned in streets Isolate families for at least 40 days Watchmen made sure no one left infected houses 6 of 11 Plague and Responses in Early Modern Britain National Government 1604 Harsh punishment if left isolation Plague victim = hanged Family of victim = whipped 7 of 11 Plague and Responses in Early Modern Britain Asking God Prayed and fasted Went to Church and confesses sins Religious beliefs important at time 8 of 11 Plague and Responses in Early Modern Britain Running Away Wealthy and some Priests ran away Some doctors and Priests helped sick Poor had nowhere to run 9 of 11 Plague and Responses in Early Modern Britain Looking for a Cure Miasma believed to cause plague Burned tar in streets Doctors put sweet smelling petals and herbs in beaks 10 of 11 Plague and Responses in Early Modern Britain Avoiding the Sick Contagion and isolation = key ideas Plague Orders said avoid sick Infected maids/apprentices thrown out of homes. 11 of 11
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