Plant Growth 0.0 / 5 ? BiologyPhysiologyUniversityNone Created by: CJohnstone2001Created on: 09-12-20 12:58 Meristems Generate new cells Apical= length (primary growth) Lateral= thickness (secondary) Vascular Cambium (adds vasc tissue) Cork Cambium (replace epidermis) In woody plants both growth at same time. Dividing Cells prod--> Initials (stay in meri) Derivatives (form tiss) 1 of 8 Primary Growth Division Elongation (10x) Differen Eudicots= Vascular bundles forming ring Monocots= Scattered vasc bundles 2 of 8 Secondary Growth Stems and Roots Rare in monocots Vascular Cambium= inc flow and support to shoots. Cork Cambium= prod tough cells, protects against H2O 3 of 8 Morphogenesis Development of body form and organization 4 of 8 Embryogenesis Single cell zygote into complex individual 5 of 8 Phases of Development Embryogenesis Vegetative Development Reproductive development 6 of 8 Cell Fate Not fixed but affected by position Cells final position determines kind cell it becomes Positional effects mediated by morphogenes (provide positional cues) 7 of 8 Summary Plant growth in meristems Primary= length Secondary= girth/strength 8 of 8
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