The courtyard from which the room was approached had now risen in level to such an extent, having been completely filled up with ash and pumice mixed in, that, if he had delayed any longer in the bedroom, escape would have been denied to him. Having got up, he went out, and returned to Pomponianus and those who had spent the night awake. They had a discussion together, whether to stay under cover or to wander in the open. For the buildings were threatening to fall, because of frequent and large tremors and, as if they had been uprooted from their foundations, they seemed to be moving forwards and backwards, now this way, now that. Outside, on the other hand, falls of pumice were being feared, although pumice was light and hollow – but this is what they chose after their comparison of the dangers; in my uncle’s case, at any rate, one logical argument defeated another logical argument; in the case of the others, one fear defeated another fear.