


Outline the Main Phases in the Development of Poetry

- Metaphysical - intellectual approach to emotion, unusual images e.g. John Donne

- Romantic - reaction against commitment of order, stress the importance of human emotion, imagination & nature e.g. Wordsworth

Identify the Main Forms of Poetry

- Lyrical - Ode (usually focuses on one subject e.g. ode to Autumn)

              - Elegy (usually on the subject of death)

              - Sonnet - Petrachan (Octave and a sestet) and Shakespearean (4 Quatrains and a Couplet)

- Narrative - Ballad (Simple, everyday)

                  - Epic (Long, with elements of the supernatural etc.)

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Explain the Difference between Neologisms and Archaisms

Neologism - A newly coined word in that particular text

Archaism - An older word which is no longer in common use

Explain the Five Main Types of Metre in English Poetry

Iambic - unstressed, stressed

Trochaic - stressed, unstressed

Dactylic - one stressed followed by two unstressed

Anapaestic  - two unstressed followed by a stressed

Spondaic - two stressed syllables

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Understand the Terms Enjambment, End-Stopped Line and Caesura

Enjambment - When the line runs onto the next

End-stopped - When there is punctuation causing a pause at the end of a line

Caesura - A pause in the middle of the line

Identify the Different Types of Rhyme

Half-rhyme - When some elements of a word rhyme with elements of another, but others don't

Internal Rhyme - When two words within the same line rhyme

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Understand the Terms Onomatopoeia, Alliteration, Sibilance and Dissonance

Onomatopoeia - When words sound like what they are e.g. bang

Alliteration - When two or more words begin with the same sound

Sibilance - The repeated use of sounds like s, z or ch

Dissonance - When words sound so different that they clearly contrast each other

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Stage One:

What is it about? What is is really about?

Stage Two:


Form and Structure, Poetic Voice, Lexis, Imagery, Grammar, Phonology

Stage Three:

How successful do you consider the poem to be?

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