Why did Witte promote industrialisation in Russia?
Witte knew the key to Russia's future greatness lay in industrialisation
He began a coherent programme of state capitalism to promote economic growth through private enterprise
He invited foreign investors to participate in the Russian economy, this provided the vital capital for investment
Witte realised industrial growth could safeguard the government again social unrest by providing higher wages and cheaper goods
The industry would fuel the economy and therefore the tsar would be pleased, having more money to improve the strength of the armed forces
An effective railway system would help develop the rest of the economy by transporting stock and the armed forces
Trans-Siberian railway, constructed between 1891 and 1902, 3750 miles from Moscow to Vladivostok
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RSD Party- Bolsheviks/Mensheviks 1903
This split had the huge consequences for the future of Russia
Mensheviks awaited the bourgeois revolution while the Bolsheviks believed that it could occur simultaneously with the proletarian revolution
Bolsheviks wanted to educate and lead workers through the revolution
Mensheviks felt the need to revolution had to come from the workers themselves
Bolsheviks were a restricted group avoiding police notice
Mensheviks insisted that membership was open to all and worked with trade unions to spread the word
Mensheviks wanted to follow democratic procedures and feared the Bolsheviks way of doing things would lead to a dictatorship
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Economic reform - 1894-1904
Vyshnegradsky finance minister 1887-1892- Raised import duties to 33%, put pressure on the peasants, grain exports increased by 18% = worst famine of the nineteenth century. "We ourselves shall not eat, but we shall export,"
Witte took over 1892-1903- indentified three main issues = insufficient capital, lack of technical and managerial expertise and insufficient manpower in the right places.
Without economic reform Russia would have failed to catch up with the rest of europe and no longer be known as one of europe's 'great powers'
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Alexander III reactionary measures
Alexander III began his reign with the public hanging of his fathers assassins - there was little or no activity among opposition groups throughout his reign
Alexander's manifesto 'reassert the principles of autocracy' confirmed fears that he was no where near a constitution like his father may have been
Konstantin Pobedonostev advised Alexander III, "A third of all Jews in Russia must die, a third emigrate and a third assimilate." - incredibly anti-semantic
Also suggested - freedom of the press = 'among the falsest institutions of our time'
And - democracy = 'among the falsest of political principles'
In 1889 Land Captains were introduced with the power to overturn Zemstva elections and impose their own punishments
Peasants votes were reduced after ammendments to the zemstva
Policies of reform were refused but things but Vyshnegradsky and Witte were still allowed to promoste industrilisation and modernisation (as long as it didn't affect tsarist power)
Policy of Russification introduced - russia in language, culture, religion, legal system and ruling elite
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