Elections are a method of filing an office or post through choices made by the electorate. The democratic character of elections is ensured by universal suffrage, political equality, the secret ballot and electoral choice.
The main functions of elections are to form governments, ensure representation and maintain legitimacy.
The main voting systems used in the UK are: FPTP, AMS,STV,regional party list and AV/SV
FPTP used for westminster elections, important implications include: systematic biases in favour of large parties, tendency towards a two-party system and single-party government.
sociological model- relationship between social factors and voting. party-identification model- voters loyalty or attachment towards a party. issue model-portrays voters as rationally self-interested actors
voting affected by:
long term factors- age, social class, race, gender, region and party loyalty
short term factors- party policies, performance and image of parties, effectiveness of party leaders and tactical considerations.
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