Politics, economy and society
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- Created by: Grant
- Created on: 08-04-13 11:40
The political system and the role of the president
- Two-party system by 1890
- (1) Republicans
- (2) Democrats
- Both heavily influenced by Civil War (1861-5)
- Local issues important (e.g. Prohibition)
- No clear divide between right and left
- Both parties had conservatives and reformers
- 1890s - Both parties developing
- Other political movements threatened, but never gained, support from the two parties
- Neither party support African-American interests
- Formed in 1854 as anti-slavery movement
- Became pro-business over time
- Had reformist wing influenced by progressivism
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The political system and the role of the president
Republicans (cont.)
- Reformist wing promoted:
- Social justices
- Conservation
- Leading figure: Theodore Roosevelt
- President 1901-9
- Ran for president again in 1912 as progressive candidate against Taft, a Republican
- Bull Moose Progressive Party - Split Republican vote and lost Taft presidency, handing it to Democrat Woodrow Wilson
Key Republicans
- Mark Hanna - Political analyst and "mastermind" of Republican political campaigns
- Theodore Roosevelt - VP from 1901; President 1901-9; Leader of Bull Moose Progressive Party
- William Taft - President 1908-12
- Warren Harding - President 1920-3
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The political system and the role of the president
Key Republicans (cont.)
- Calvin Coolidge- President 1923-4
- Herbert Hoover- President 1924-8
- Claim to be oldest political party in US
- Civil War changed party
- Power base:
- Western farmers
- White southerners
- 'Solid South' voted Democrat in every election (exc. 1928) from 1880-1960
- Party of opposition for majority of existence
Key Democrats
- William Jennings Bryan - Dominant political personality during opposition years
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The political system and the role of the president
Key Democrats (cont.)
- Woodrow Wilson - President 1912-20
- Franklin D. Roosevelt - President 1928-44
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Mass immigration and its impact on society and pol
Where did immigrants come from?
- 1890 - Already 9m foreign-born Americans
- Immigration not yet reached its peak
- Majority of immigrants from southern (Spain, Portugal and Italy) and eastern Europe (Jews from Russia)
- Previous immigrants from northern Europe (Britain, Ireland, Germany and Scandinavia)
Reasons immigrants came to the US
- American Dream
- Growing US economy offered jobs to immigrants
- New technology made travel easier (e.g. steam ships)
- Easy access - 1 in 50 denied entry
- Escape discrimination (e.g. Jews from Russia)
- Destruction of peasant economies in southern and eastern Europe due to cheap wheat from US
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Mass immigration and its impact on society and pol
When did immigration reach its peak?
- 1900-14
- Peak year: 1907 - 1.2m immigrants
- Majority from Italy and Russia
Impact of immigration on US society
- They brought 'radical and dangerous' political ideas with them (e.g. communism, anarchism)
- Many feared immigrants would steal jobs and work for low wages
- Feared they'd overwhelm population
- Settled in ethnic areas of cities unlike first wave immigrants who spread out
- Prohibition - Blamed on immigrants' drinking habits (mainly the Irish)
- Revival of KKK during and after WWI - Violence
- Hostility to African-Americans who migrated north
- Small-town US worried about 'aliens' undermining traditional moral and religious values
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The rise of big business and its impact on the eco
Reasons the US economy was booming before 1890
- Main:
- (1) Increase in workers and markets via mass immigration - Labour force growing, construction industry booming
- (2) Technology - Growth of steam ship companies, mechanisation of industry, invention of steel plough, refrigerated container and railway expansion led to expansion of domestic and foreign meat production
- (3) Great Plain opening - Cultivation of fertile lands, production of huge surpluses
- Other:
- Big business:
- Bethlehem Steel
- Carnegie Steel
- Rockefeller's Standard Oil
- Many companies merged, creating vast enterprises linking manufacturing, railroads and shipping
- Big business:
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The rise of big business and its impact on the eco
Reasons the US economy was booming before 1890 (cont.)
- Rapid expansion of banking and finance
- JP Morgan - Provided wealth for industrialisation
- Sudden downturns in uncontrolled economy left farmers, small businesses and their workers worse for wear
- Big business impacted politics
- Industrialisation created wealthy barons
- Barons:
- Carnegie
- Rockefeller
- Vanderbilt
- Morgan
- These barons gained political influence, especially in Republican Party
- Creation of big business created backlash of opposition
- New mass labour force led to the spreading of socialist ideas and organisation of labour in trade unions
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The rise of big business and its impact on the eco
- Urbanisation - Creation of towns and cities
- Industrialisation - Creation of factories in towns and cities
- Big business - Large companies out to make large profits
Trade Unions
- AFL - American Federation of Labour (Founded 1886)
- 300,000+ members
- Samuel Gompers
- Tried to improve working conditions of skilled workers
- Gompers didn't want to associate with Debs, a socialist
- 1907 - Created strong links with Democrats
- Many believed AFL was too moderate and did not support unskilled workers
- Led to creation of IWW
- Most Americans feared socialism
- Linked it to TUs, mass immigration and anarchy
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The rise of big business and its impact on the eco
- Socialists believe in equality - Big business leaders feared organised labour because it meant TUs and TUs lead to strikes
- IWW - Industrial Workers of the World (Founded 1905)
- Founded by Bill Haywood and Eugene Debs
- Debs left by 1908
- IWW nicknamed "The Wobblies"
- Members: 50,000+
- Openly endorsed socialist ideas - Saw no barriers between workers and employees
- Links with anarchists (e.g. Emma Goldman)
- Emphasised divide between those who wanted political actions and those who wanted strikes
- Big business and conservaties saw IWW as revolutionary and violent (McKees Rock Strikes of 1912)
- Employers use the courts to overpower "socialist threat" by creating injunctions against strikes and prosecuting socialist leaders
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The rise of big business and its impact on the eco
- IWW (cont.)
- IWW attacked during WWI for being unpatriotic
- 1919-20: Target for Red Scare
- Support for socialism never matches support for TUs
- Debs couldn't break two-party politics of US
Other political parties
The Populists
- Big influence in Democratic Party
- When William Jennings Bryan emerged as a national figure in the 1890s, many were concerned populism would swallow the Democrats
- Populist Party founded 1889-90
- Supported by people in the Great Plains and southwest who opposed dominance of US economy by banks, business and rich east-coast elites
- Populist ideas detailed in Omaha Platform 1892
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The rise of big business and its impact on the eco
The Populists (cont.)
- 'Silverites' campaigned for mass circulation of silver coins and for Prohibition
- Anti-Darwinists, anti-imperialists and anti-expansionists
- Party overshadowed by WJB and the Democrats
- After 1908: Virtually non-existent
- Leading Populist - William Jennings Bryan
The Progressives
- Leading Progressive - Senator Robert La Follette of Wisconsin
- Campaigned for rights of ordinary people against big business
- Republican 'insurgents'
- 'Insurgents' gained lots of support which caused a dispute with William Taft and the conservative 'stalwarts'
- La Follette hoped to run for president in 1912 but was overshadowed by Theodore Roosevelt
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The rise of big business and its impact on the eco
The Progressives (cont.)
- 1912 - Bull Moose Progressive Party set up as a vehicle for TR to run for president against Taft
- Split the Republican vote and caused Wilson, a Democrat, to end Republican dominance
- Progressives believe in:
- Government intervention
- Strong central government necessary to bring about reforms and efficiency
- Wanted to protect people's rights against corruption
- Fighting evils of industrialisation without going as far as Socialism
- Social jsutic (e.g. women's suffrage)
- Direct election to Senate
- Conservation
- Some were pacifists and anti-imperialists
- Most were strong nationalists
- Progressive wing of Republican Party reuinted with Republicans in 1916
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The rise of big business and its impact on the eco
The Progressives (cont.)
- Progressive Party achieved little on its own, but looked threatening
- Influential between 1890-1929 as many presidents were influenced by progressive ideas:
- TR
- Wilson
- Taft
- Progressive ideas reflected in their policies
Importance of populism and progressivism
- Not very important, however, they did appear to be a threat at various times
- Progressivism was more important - It cost Taft his presidency
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