- Created by: 13stoan1@branstonca.org
- Created on: 28-10-17 15:10
Information on the poem:It is written by Percy Bysshe Shelley who had strong athiest views and was kicked out of university, he also strongly disliked king George which may be another inspiration for the poem.The poem is most likely based on fero Ramesis II aka "Ozymandias" "Ozy" means to breathe or air, "mandias" means to rule. The poem talks about how ozymandiasis statue is the only thing that is left of his rule and the only thig left for him to be remembered by.
Language: The poet uses language which mocks ozymandias, and describes that his statue is the only thing that is left of him. E.g. "Nothing beside remains" "boundless and bare". The metaphore " the lone and level sands stretch far away." this describes the fact that the statue was ment to portaray Ozymandias to be big and strong, but in reality the staue is minescule in comparisson to the dessert.
Structure: The poet uses both iambic pectameter and dactylic dimeter in the poem.
Information on the poem: Written by William Blake who was born and died in London, he was very passionate about London. At the time there was lots of poverty in London, the industrial revalution was taking place and population was rapidly increasing ; these factors are huge influences for this poem.This poem is about Blake's criticism of the church and parliment letting London getting in the state it was in.
Language: The poet uses language to emphasise the sheer poverty the people of London had to face, and how there is no escape from the lives they lead. E.g. "The mind forged manacles" manacles meaning chains. "the youthful harlots curse", this describes how young girls are forced into prostitution and are then cursed with disease. The qquote " every black'ning church appals" suggests the church is no longer pure as it is becoming corupt.
Structure: This poem has an AB ryhme scheme and uses repetition to emphasise certain points, e.g. the phrase "in evey" is repeated three times in stanza 2 to show that poverty is everywhere in London.
Extract from, The Prelude
Information on the poem: The poem is written by the poet William wordsworth. This poem is only and extract from one of Wordsworths longet poems "the recluse" which recounts Wordsworths life and why he became a poet. This extract is from the prelude of the poem which is titled "growth of a poets mind". the extract recounts Wordsworth sneakily stealing a rowing boat to row towards a mountain, when he gets closer to the mountain however he becomes scared and rows quickly back to shore, the whole experience troubled him for days after.
Language: Wordswoth uses language features such as personification to emphasise the power that nature has e.g. "And growing still in stature the grim shape Towered up between me and the stars" this describes the power the mountain had over a young Wordsworth and how it made him feel terified. Wordsworth also uses language to create a visual image of his emotions at the time e.g. "small circles glittering idly in the moon creates a scene of serenity and carmness, whereas in contrast "i struck and struck again" creates a scene of panic and fear.
Structure:This poem is structured as an epic poem, uses iambic pectameter, enjambment and is all written as one gret big long stanza almost as if it is a story.
My Last Duchess
Information on the poem: Is written by Robert Browning who wasnt a very successful poet and usually wrote romantic poetry. The poem is assumed to be about Duke Alfonso (Duke of Ferrara), whom married a 14 year old girl who came with a dowry when he was 25 years old in 1558. The 14 year old girl died under suspicious surcamestances and it is speculated that the Duke murdered her. The poem is a dramatic monolgue of the duke showing a servent ,of a family who is willing to marry off their daughter to the duke, a painting of his previous duchess.
Language: Browning uses language which is used to ephasise the large ego which the duke holds, and how possesive he is. E.g. "the curtain i have drawn for you" shows that even now the duchess is dead the duke still has full control over who can and cant see her portrait. He also describes how wearing his family name should be a treasured gift of the duchess, "My favour at her breast." Through language it also ephasised how angry the duke gets when other things other then himself make the duchess happy, this then intern made the duchess really unhappy, "then all smiles stopped together." Browning also uses possesive verbs in this poem.
Structure: Features such as iambic pectmeter are used and the poem is written almost like a speach (scripted)
Can compare to "Ozymandias"
The Charge of the Light Brigade
Information on the poem: Is written by Alfred Lord Tennyson who was poet Laurette during his time and had no military experience. The poem is about the Crimean war and incident where the light brigade where sent into a valley and where circled by Russian troops. This poem describes the soldiers as feeling a sence of pride from what they do, and the fact that a British soldier will complete his duty even if there is a huge risk of death, and he shall not feel a victim of any blunder.
Language: The poet uses language to ephasise the sheer bravery of the 600 soldiers in the light brigade, "when can their glory fade". Personification is also used to ephasise how deadly the situation the light brigade charged into was, "into the jaws of death". Language is also used to describe how despite cetain death the light brigade still fought with all their strength. "Flash'd all their sabres bare, Flash' d as they turn'd in air."
Structure: The form of the poem is a ballard, written in short stanzars to tell the event of the light brigade. Dactylic diameter is used to mimic the sound of galloping horses which the light brigade would have charged in on. Repetition is also used throughout the poem to emphasise certain points, e.g. in stanza 3 "cannon to the right of them, cannon to the left of them, cannon in front of them."
Information on the poem: The poem is written by Wilfred Owen, who writes from experience as he was a soldier. His aim of his poetry was to try to open the eyes of the public as to what war is really like. te poem is about the exposure the soldiers had to face both physically and mentally (PTSD), and what effects war has on soldiers once they are back home.
Language: Features such as personification are used in the poem to emphasise how bad the conditions were at war and what the soldiers where exposed to on a daily basis, "merciless iced winds that knife us." and "bullets that streak the silence." The repetition of the phrases "But nothing happens" and "is it that we are dying" ephasise the fear and hardship the soldiers had to face during the war. The quote "slowly our ghosts drag home." emphasise how the exposure of war changes the soldiers almost that there is nothing left of their previous self, as they suffer the effects of PTSD.
Structure: The poem is written as one stanza and has an ABBAC rhyme schme. There are broken rhymes throughout the poem which suggest soldiers broken by war (PTSD)
Compare to "Remains"
Storm on the Island
Informtion on the poem: Written by Seamus Heaney, sho was Irish born. The poem is said to be based around both the power of nature and terrorism (IRA). The poem is a dramatic monolgue of someone describing how they are preparing for a storm. It also emphasises that just because you are prepared for something, doesnt mean you still don't fear it.
Language: Language features such as similies are used to describe the storm and the sea, "a tame cat turned savage", this suggests something you loved and trusted (the windows of their house) turns against you. Personification is also used to make the leaves and bracnhes seem human and destructive, and the sound of them whistling in the wind almost sounds like an army. "leaves and branches can raise a tragaic chorus in a gale."
Structure: The poem is written as one long stanza and uses enjambment. It uses hlf rhymes throughout.
Compare to "Extract from, The prelude" (power of nature)
Bayonet Charge
Information on the poem: The poem is written by Ted Hughes. A bayonet is a knife that goes at the end of a riffle. The poem describes a soldier running in absolute terror during battle, who in the end surrenders by hiding so he can live.
Language: The poet uses language features such as similies to emphasise how untrained and scared most of the soldiers were, "He lugged a riffle numb as a smahed arm", this shows that in battle the soldiers didnt know what to do with their weapons. Language is also used to describe the sheer terror of the soldier, "Suddenly he awoke and was running." "sweating like molten iron from the centre of his chest."
Structure: This poem is written in three stanza's and uses enjambment. Repetition is also used in the poem.
Information on the poem: The poem is written by Simon Armitage, it is from a collection of poetry called "the not dead collection", this poem is also the colsest Armitage has got to writting real war poetry as it is based from the experiences of real soldiers. The poem is about an event a soldier experiences at war which he can not get out of his mind and really effects him, it describes the effects of PTSD on a person.
Language: The poet uses both visual and violoent language to create an image of what the soldier witnessed, "I see every round as it rips through his life." The quote " End of story, expcept not really." describes how the event changed and effected him. "his bloody life in my bloody hands" describes how he feels he is a murderer and he is alive but not trully living his life as the PTSD constantly hangs over him. The idea of what reamians for him? Informal language is used through out to make it sound like a story
Stucture: Written as 6 stanzas and uses enjambment. Repetition is used throughout to emphasise certain key points, e.g. "possibly armed possibly not." "rips through his life." There is no regular ryhme schme which makes it sound like a story.
Compare to exposure
War Photographer
Information on the poem: Written by Carol Ann Duffy. The poem is about the experiences of a war photographer and what he has witnessed, and it makes the point that we are indenial and immune to what really happens around the world in warzones.
Language: The poet uses language features such as metaphores to describe the photographers experiences and views about war and life. "All flesh is grass", suggests that life is precious, but when it ends it will always grow back again. The poet also uses language to make the point that we are immune to what really happens in the world (indenial), the quote "a hundred agonies in black and white suggests that editors doesn't care about the meanings of the photos they just want the best one. The quote "he earns a living and they do not care", suggests he is on his way to another warzone and the people who see the photos are detatched.
Structure: The poem is written in 4 stanza's.
Information about the poem: The poem is written by Imtiaz Dharker who is a believer in both christianity and Islam. In the first 3 stanza's of the poem the importance of religion and record of history is talked about. In stanza's 4-6 the poet talks about how paper is fragile but still controls our lives (money, bills, ect). In the last 13 lines the poet talks about how human life is complex and tempory and that is how it should be. The title of the poem could be referencing both tissue paper or human tissue.
Language: The poet uses language to describe how presious paper is in the world. "pages smoothed and stroked and turned." this describes the love and affection we show to religious books. The quote "if buildings were paper" is used to ephasise that as time goes by buildings will adapt to change's. "With living tissue raise a structure." suggests that we as humans are structures and we become grand designs.
Structure: Enjambment is used through out the poem as well as cesures //. A one line stanza is used at the end to make a point.
Compare to "Ozymandias"
Checking Out Me History
Information on the poem: The poem is written by John Agard. And is about how he feels it is unfair that certain people in history are forgotten about due to their culture or skin colour.
Language: John Agard uses language to describe the historical figures in a very postive way, to make sure their work and life is not forgotten about. E.g. Nanny de maroon is described as "mountain dream" , which means she is free flowing, strong and determined. He also describes Mary Seacole as a "yellow sunrise", which suggests she gave light in a time of darkness and gave people warmth to survive. Natural Imagery is used throughout the poem.
Structure: This poem has two strucutres, uses a lack of punctuation and dialect is used throughout. the poem has lots of pace and rythm.
Information on the poem: The poem is written by Beatrice Garland. The poem is about a Kamikaze pilot who turned round because he couldn't face leaving his family. The shame was so bad however that when he returned home his family pretended he was dead. The poem tells the pilots story through his experience and what his daughter is telling her children about him. There are ideas of patriotsim throughout and there is a contrast of moment of choice vs disappointment.
Language: The poet uses language to empasise how the pilot must have been feeling, " full of powerful incantations." suggests that he was having to tell himself he was doing the right thing, suggets he had feelings of unease. Natural imagery is also used to create a calming setting to suggets the pilot was trying to calm himself down, " green translucent sea." The quote "as though he no longer existed suggests the idea that would it have been better for him to die anyway.
Structure: the poem has no set form and uses enjambment throughout. It shifts in time, going from 3rd to 1st person. There are only 3 stanza's in the poem.