Prescribing in special groups 1
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- Created by: z
- Created on: 22-02-16 08:31
- Definition: a substance, physical agents or deficiency state capable of induicing abnormal structure of function such as:
- gross structural abnormalities
- functional deficiencies
- behavioural aberrations
- demise
- drugs cause 2-3% of all congenital malformations (0.15% of all pregnancies)
- susceptibilty depends on genotype of mother/baby and on developmental stage of foetus
- 1st trimester
- drugs can cause congenital malformations
- 3rd to 8th week is period of highest risk as organ systems are formed
- pre-embryonic phase (0-14 days post-conception) is "all or nothing" i.e. completely healthy or spontabneois abortion
- 2nd and 3rd trimester
- drugs can cause IUGR or functional development or have toxic effects on tissues
- a/e on neonate if given shortly before or during labour e.g. diazepam or pethidine
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FDA pharmaceutical pregnancy categories
- Pregnancy category A
- adequate and well controlled studies have failed to demonstrate risk to foetus in 1st T.
- Pregnancy category B
- animal reproduction studies failed to show risk if no adequate studies in pregnant women OR animal studies show adverse effect but adequate, well controlled human studies do not
- Pregnanacy category C
- animal reproduction studies have shown adverse effect and there are no adequate, well controlloed human studies but potential benefits may warrant use
- Pregnancy category D
- positive evidence of human foetal risk based on adverse reaction dta from investigational or marketing experience or human studies but potential benefits may warrant use
- Pregnancy category E
- studies in humans or animals have dmeonstrated foetal abnormalities and/or there is positive evidence of human foetal risk and the risks involved clearly outweigh any potential benefits
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Drugs to avoid in pregnancy
- ACE inhibitors: impaired neonatal BP control and renal function
- Aminoglycosides: eighth nerve damage
- Androgens: virilisation, multiple congenital defects
- Opiates: perinatal respiratory depression
- Quinolone antibiotics: skeletal abnormalities
- Sodium valproate: neural tube defects
- Tetracyclines: yelolow discolouration of teeth, inhibtis bone growth
- Warfarin: multiple congential defects
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Prescribing in pregnancy
- assume all drugs will cross the placenta unless they have high molecular weight
- avoid drugs in 1st trimester if possible
- only prescribe if benefit to mother outweighs risk to foetus
- check all drugs in BNF
- check UK Teratology Informatrion Service
NB on dosing:
- maternal drug concentration is often lower than in non-preganant women (incr vol of distribution)
- renal elimination may incr thus higher dose needed (enoxaparin)
- lamotrigine metabolism enhanced so need higher dose (antiepileptic)
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Prescribing in breastfeeding
- avoiding breatsfeeding to take drugs is NOT a no harm option
- most drugs are passed in small qunatities so are not a concern
- neonates and prem babies are at greater risk due to poor excretion and thus accumulation
- risk depends on:
- passage of drug to milk
- reduced passage= good
- HMW (e.g. insulin, heparins)
- high protein binding (e.g. warfarin, NSAIDS)
- low lipid solubility (e.g. loratidine)
- lower pH (e.g. amoxacillin) because pH of breat milk lower than plasma (6.9 vs 7.4)
- reduced passage= good
- amount of active drug delivered to infant
- infant pharmacokinetics
- absorption, distributioni, elimination
- adverse reaction profile
- infant age
- infant co-morbidities
- passage of drug to milk
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Drugs to avoid in breastfeeding
- Amiodarone
- present in milk in significant amounts
- risk from release of iodine
- Antithyroid drugs
- neonatal goitre and hypothyroidism
- Benzodiazepines
- presentin breast milk
- Lithium salts
- present in milk and risk of toxicity
- Radioactive iodine
- breastfeeding contraindicated
- Statins
- high conc in breast milk
- Sulphonamides
- risk of kemicterus (bilirubin-induced brain dysfunction) in jaundiced infants
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Drug effects on lactation
- drugs which affect dopamine activity will cause changes in lactation b/c dopamine inhibits release of prolactin from ant pituitary
- dopamine agonists (e.g. cabergoline) reduce milk production
- dopamine antagonists (e.g. domperidone) promote lactation
- early postpartum use of oestrogen reduces milk volume
- therefore use POP as contraception postpartum
- some drugs (e.g. phenobarbital) inhibit the infant's suckling reflex
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