Pressure Groups
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- Created by: Emily Warren-Ballard
- Created on: 15-05-14 16:17
nature of pressure groups
- an association of people who share specific political goals
- seek either to defend or further the interests of a particular section of society
- do not seek gov power, but merely influence the pol system
- seek to mobilise as wide a level of support as pos to further their goals
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- represent a section of society
- only interested in goals of the group
- E.g. National Union of Students , Royal College of Nurses
- groups concerned with cause/issue
- open to all members of scoiety
- believe their cause will benefit community
- E.g. Friends of the Earth, Unlock Democracy
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groups that have special connections w/parliament and direct access to decision makers w/ the following characteristics:
- regularly consulted by parliamentary committees
- sometimes have reps sitting on policy/advisory committees
- concerned w/ Europe & have directs access to EU Commission & EU parl
- regional groups have access to devolved admins
- local pressure groups have access to local authorities
- E.G. National Union of Farmers, RSPCA, NSPCC
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do not have direct access to gov or parliament, or decision makers because they choose to maintain their indep or, decision makers wish not to be associated w/them:
- seek to mobilise public support
- use direct action such as street demonstrations
- seek use of media campaigns
- increasingly use interenet & social networks
- use petitions, often online
- E.G. Greenpeace, Plane Stupid, Exit
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difference between PG's & parties
- parties actively seek office/ power; PGs do not
- parties must develop policies across a range of issues; PGs have narrow goals
- parties have to make themselves accountable; PGs do not
- parties have formal organisation; PGs loosely organised
can be unclear as:
- PGs sometimes put candidates up for election to publicise goals
- PGs develop a wide range of policies, trade unions are an example
- PGs transform themselves into parites - Green Party & UKIP
- some PGs closely associated w/parties - trade unions & labour, Countryside Alliance & Tories
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what is pluralism?
a concept & description of a society or pol system:
- a variety of ideas and groups can flourish
- can mean power within a pol system is widely dispersed and not concentrated in a few hands
- varitey of beliefs, cultures & lifestyles and ethnic groups can exist together and are broadly tolerated
- recognises the right of different groups to have influence & to recieve equal treatment
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what is elitism?
opposite of pluralism, mostly described as distribution of power within a pol system or society:
- concentration of pol, social or economic power within a few hands
- can describe a pol system within which a small no of indivds or bodies hold most of avaliable power
- implies that most groups in society are denied power of influence
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pluralism, elitism & pressure groups
PGs enhance pluralism in these respects:
- disperse power and influence v.widely
- ensure many groups exert pol influence
- help to protect the interests of groups in society
- balance power of centralised gov
PGs can be associated w/ elitism in these senses:
- some powerful, wealthy, influential PGs may concentrate power in few hands
- influential insider groups may serve to concentrate more power in gov hands
- some PGs may be led by unaccountable elites
- some groups may hold a disproportionate amount of power
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why are PGs becoming more important?
- party membership in decline, PGs replace this activity
- electorate is now better informed & more able to become involved in pol issues
- interenet & new social media have made it practicle to mount campaigns & initiate new associations
- number of PGs & their membership have sig increased
- society more pluralistic and fragmented into groups which have special interests
- pol system now more accessible to group activity, more points of access and MP's more sensitive to public opinion
- growing affluence means pop have more interests & thus make more demands on pol system
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main methods used by PGs
- lobbying ministers: insiders feel they can influence decisions and policy - Confederation of British Industry
- sitting on advisory & policy committees in gov: can supply specialist info & advice - BMA
- lobbying EU institutions: most of their concerns are under juridiction of EU - National Farmers' Union
- lobbying local councilors and officers: concerns are local in nature - local conservation groups
- organising mass public demonstrations: widespread support but are outsiders: stop Iraq war
- media campaigns: celebrity involvement - Joanna Lumley Justice for Ghurkas
- civil disobedience: outsiders need to attract publicity - Greenpeace
- internet campaigns: issues that appeal to the young - Friends of the Earth
- action through the law courts: rights of members are threatened - trade unions
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why are some PGs more successful?
- Resources: finiancial & organisational, giving a group the ability & people to mount a campaign - Countryside Alliance organised demonstrations in LDN
- Insider Statues: being established in gov circles & well trusted - Action on Smoking & Health
- Tactics: groups may find a good formula for influencing gov and/or public support - Save England's Forests
- Sharing the Same Agenda as Gov: helps when campaining for change - Confed of British Industry
- Lack of Opposition: Make Poverty History
- Favourable Circumstances: Action on Smoking & Health, helped by reductions in cases of lung cancer following anti-smoking legislation
- Celeb Involvement: Joanna Lumley & Justice for Ghurka's
- Strategic Position: British Bankers' Association
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ways in which PGs enhance democracy
- often rep groups and causes that may have been ingnored by pol parties
- help to disperse power more widely, preventing dangerous concentrations of power
- help to educate & inform about sig issues
- help governing process by providing informed advice
- act as a control mechanism against over-mighty gov
- provide ways people can participate in pol at a time when traditional forms are in decline
- provide an outlet for public grievances 'tension release'
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ways in which PGs damage democracy
- undermine authority of elected officials & parliament
- rep politics of 'self-interest' and present public w/biased or false info
- if they are too powerful, can created 'hyper-pluralism' which can hold up process of gov by being too obstructive
- PGs lack elective legitimacy and are no democratically accountable
- those that engage in civil disobedience threaten order in society & subvert democ
- some wealth, influential PGs have more influence than justified
- leadership of elitist groups may not reflect accurately the views of their membership
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