symptomatic and supportive measures (e.g. ventilation)
reducing absorption
gastric lavage (only benefit if w/in 1 hour of ingestion)
single dose activated charcoal (w/in 1 hr of overdose: does NOT bind alcohols, glycols, acids/alkalis, iron, lithium)
whole bowel irrigtion (body packers)
enhancing elimination
multpile dose activated charcoal (carbamazepine, quinine, theophylline, dapsone; acts by binding drug in lumen, keeping free drug conc low so absorbed drugs moves down conc gradient out of blood into lumen)
urine alkalisation (salicylate: IV sodium bicarb to achieve urine pH 7.8-8.5)
extracorporeal elimination (dialysis, if poisoning Cx w/ RF; specifically for ethanol, ethylene glycol, methanol, salycilate)
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