Prescription- if you have been doing the practise constituting the nuisance for 20 yeras then you are allowed to continue. Tried to argue it in Sturges v Bridgman as he had lived there for 20 years, but it hadnt been a nuisance for 20 years.
Coming to the nuisance? If you know about the nuisance and then move there you cannot complain about it. Coventry v Lawrence and Sturges v Bridgman.
Abatement- the reduction or removal of a nuisance- issuing a notice for it to stop.
Injunction- a court order meaning you have to refrain from doing certain acts.
Damages- S50 Supreme Court Act 1982-allows courts to award damages in lieu of an injunction
Shelfer v City of London Electric Lighting Co- 'In my opinion it may be stated as good working rule that if the injury is small, and one which is capable of being estimated in money, and one which can be adequately compensated by a small money payment, and in the case is one whihc it would be oppresive to the defendant to grant an injunction, then damage may be given.'
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