Problems facing Ebert and the Weimar republic- The
The success of the new governmental system depended upon the German people accepting it
Many ex-soldiers and civilians depised the new democratic leaders and came to believe that the heroic leader Field Marshall Hindenburg had been betrayed by weak politicians.
They believed that the Weimar supporters have betrayed the government and let them down.
They believed that the Army had been stabbed in the back.
Kaiser's old supporters kept their positions int the government. In the short term it kept stability, but in the long term it was bad because they were anti-democratic.
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Problems facing Ebert and the Weimar republic- The
Huge gaps between the living standards of the rich and poor
Many of the German workers were bitter at the restrictions placed on their earnings during the war while factory owners made vast fortunes from the war.
Women worked in the factories, which was untraditional.
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Problems facing Ebert and the Weimar republic- The
Industrial production was about two thrids of what it was in 1913.
National income was about one third of what is was in 1913.
The treaty of Versailles-(see seperate section concerning this in detail)
In 1925 they were still spending about one third of their budget on war pension
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Problems facing Ebert and the Weimar republic- The
600,000 widows
There was a revolution in October-Novemer 1918 due to stresses of the war
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