Product Design (Product life cycle) Overview of Product life cycle. (PPP) 2.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? Design & TechnologyAS Created by: Luke BissetCreated on: 09-04-12 13:32 Product Life Cycle Stages 4 stages in the life cycle: - Introduction - Growth - Maturity - Decline 1 of 8 Introduction Introduction - When it is released onto the market - Initial sales will be slow - Consumers unsure about it’s benefits 2 of 8 Growth Growth - As advertising takes effect sales rise - Consumers become more confident about benefits - Competitors introduce their brands 3 of 8 Maturity Maturity – - Sales level off - Market becomes saturated - Competitors produce different / improved models - Major companies monitor the market & have new designs ready to keep their market share 4 of 8 Decline Decline - New technology makes products obsolete - Consumer Pull contributes to the new generation - Marketing makes the old product obsolete 5 of 8 Planned Obsolescence Planned Obsolescence Some products have a limited life Is this due to technological advancements? OR Built in obsolescence? Some disposable products have planned obsolescence for safety reasons Some products would last longer with better materials 6 of 8 Influence of Fashion The Influence of Fashion - Consumer fashions & trends, consumer demand for the latest technology - Agencies are employed to predict trends - Fashion is influenced by changes in society - Manufacturers have to keep up with these forces 7 of 8 Technology Push & Market Pull - 'Technology push' means technology has been developed and the 'need' must be created. - 'Market pull' means business has a need for a product and technology develops to fill that need. 8 of 8
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