Enter Achilles is a physical theatre piece which is based on what constitutes masculinity - using sexual politics to hide un-manly behaviour from fear of becomming an outsider to the other group of men
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the bar of of the pub (public)
back alley
landlords flat
the roof
the canal
how does the physical setting show the significance of the work?
pubs are stereotypically where men go on a 'lads night out'
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identify and describe 3 props used in Enter Achilles
pint glasses: see through, dont have a brand on them, used in place of a dancer partner, used as earings, pint glass ends up in between the mouths of two of the dancers, stifles the scream of one of the dancers, questions what is really being desired
football: round, black and white, plastic, pentagon pattern, symbolises a woman
sex doll: an inflatable plastic woman with holes in the genital areas, blonde, large breasts, used as a volleyball, football, rugby
Explain how two properties help show the significance of the work
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songs from musical films
Grease: Summer Lovin'
Saturday Night Fever: Stayin' alive
famous songs
Queen: Bohemian Rhapsody
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All males - the fact that the dancers are all male follows the idea of masculinity and how un-masculine behaviour is hidden through fear of becomming an outsider to the rest of the group
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