provincial reforms
5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating
- Created by: Grace Moorhouse
- Created on: 30-05-15 14:01
fairer system of taxation
- Augustus carried out a number of censuses to gain a clearer idea of the resources of the empire.
- by assessing the wealth of the provincials etc he was able to increase the total revenue without causing any hardship.
- 2 types of taxation
- direct- Tributum soli- a tax on land and fixed property
- tributum capitis- a poll tax, which included tax on property other than land.
- indirect-portoria- 5% on goods crossing certain frontiers, the empire being divided into 9 districts./tax on sale (2-4%) and manumission of slaves (5%)
- death duties paid by Roman citizens in the provinces
- grain needed for governor and his staff.
- imperial provinces- direct taxes were collected by an imperial PROCURATOR of equestrian rank- independent of the governor.
- indirect taxes were collected by contractors who were carefully scrutinised.
- senatorial provinces- QUAESTOR in charge of collection- still used publicani. ALL SCRUTINISED
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greater care in choice and control of governors
recruited from:
ex consuls/ ex praetors- equestrian class
official title: legati propraetore/ praefecti
method of appointment:
by augustus from the best men available- they may have already been governors of senatorial provinces.
length of office:
normally 3 years- as long as Augustus wished.
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greater care in choice and control of governors
recruited from:
ex consuls/ ex praetors
official title: proconsuls
method of appointment:
assigned by lot ten years after holding the consulship/ assigned by lot 5 years after holding the praetorship
length of office:
officially one year but sometimes longer.
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greater care in choice and control of governors
- standard of governors did improve
- the men were drawn from men of proven administrative skills- however some argue that 'they were still grossly extravagant and looked to the provinces to pay their debts and re-establish their fortunes.'
- despite this- Augustus made sure that they were more strictly controlled.
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salaries and allowance
- during republic- governor recieved an annual grant from the senate to cover his expenses- included paying tropps and staff etc. NO SALARY but could demand payments from provincials etc EXTORTION
- under Augustus they wer provided with salaries- a large but fixed salary. they were also provided with travel allowances.
- - this meant they had less of a reason to extort money.
- the development of the regular civil service also helped in creating a large body of experienced officials to help the governors- they no longer needed to rely on private representatives/ publicani.
- however the imperial provinces most likey had the best officials as augustus himself was able to select them.
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improved communication
- improvement in communication between Rome and the provincials.
- this was achieved through an improved and extended imperial courier service- post horses and regular intervals along the main roads of the empire- allowed augustus to get more frequent and reliable reports from the provinces.
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imperial procurators
- careful supervision of the governors was carried out by Augustus' procurators.
- the procurators handled financial affairs and also acted as provincial spies- they moved between provinces.
- occasionally augustus used the procurators to assess senatorial provinces as well as imperial.
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provincial councils
provincial concilia:
- organised to conduct the worship of Rome and Augustus- played a part in controlling the governors.
- composed of reprasentatives from each of the provinical cities/ major communities.
- their chief function was to elect a high priest and conduct games and sacrifices.
- they also became forums to discuss matters of the community- could involve complaints on governor/ about any legislation introduced by him that they disagreed with. they might even organise a governors prosecution at the end of his office.
- under the julio-claudian emperors- these concilias had the right to go directly to the emperor or the senate with their complaints.
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judicial punishment
- punishment of corrupt officials carried out more quickly under augustus.
- an offedner in an imperial province was recalled immediately and punished by the princeps.
- an offending official in a senatorial province was brought to trial before the senate.
- it is possible that Augustus introduced this practise.-
- senate was lenient towards its own members but augustus may have attended their sessions to make sure that corrupt officials recieved just punishment.
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greater responsibility given to local communities.
- Rome's administration of the provinces was carried out though the independent and self-governing local communities. Rome benefited in 3 ways from ecouraging local responsibility:
- they could concentrate on maintaining peace and protecting the frontiers.
- roman officials recieved greater co-operation from the provincials.
- loyalty to Rome was assured.
- SPREAD OF URBANISATION: citizenship was eagerly sought. cities varied in status according to the degree of citizenship.
- 'stipendiary' cities- majority of provinces
- 'latin' cities- midway between citizen and non citizen- some privalges. Later able to become municipia and their magistrates to become roman citizens.
- municipa: - existing cities thta had been given roman citizenship- mainly western provinces.
- colonies of Roman verterans- some immune from the tributum capitis.
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- egypt never administered as a regular province.
- augustus kept it under close control- regarded as part of his personal property.
- governed by an equestrian officer or prefect-its 3 legions commanded by equestrian prefects as opposed to senatorial legates- all subordinate officers were also equestrian. equestrian prefects were granted imperium.
- no senators/ equites were alllowed to enter egyot without Augustus' permission- it was a vital grain source and strategically important in meditrranean.
- not composed of self-governing communities. the whole country was run from Alexandria by a complex, centralised bureaucracy. all officials who assisted the prefect had ptolemaic titles.
- egyptians were expected to meet a certain grain quota each year- rpovided at least 1/3 of Rome's needs.
- male egyptians between 16 and 60 were expected to pay a poll tax.
- Augustus was more conservative than Caesar about giving Roman citizenship to provincials- he was interested in their welfare.
- there were many provincial inscriptions honouring Augustus and reffering to him as a saviour- this proves his importance to them.
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