Blackburn (1993): if the superego is deficient then criminality is inevitable as the Id is not properly controlled - give into our urges and impulses.
Weak Superego develops if the same-sex parent is absent during the phallic stage = fail to internalize the moral values of the same sex parent.
Deviant Superego develops if child internalises the morals of a criminal/deviant same-sex parent.
Over-harsh Superego develops if same-sex parent is overly harsh= individual is crippled by guilt and anxiety, commits crime in order to satisfy the need for punishment.
Bowlby’s maternal deprivation - deprived of a mother figure cause serious and permanent consequences. e.g. mental abnormalities, delinquency, affectionless psychopathology
Freud’s theory is sexist: focuses on the Oedipus Complex and added the Electra complex as an afterthought. In fact Freud argued that females were less moral than males. Males outnumber females in prisons throughout the world.
Little evidence: many children grow up without a same-sex parent and the vast majority do not turn to crime.
family influence undeniably factor; individuals with delinquent parents or siblings = more likely to crime.
Over-harsh superego does not stand up to scrutiny; most criminals not to be caught/punished
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