Explanation 2: Love as an attachment process - (HAZAN and SHAVER, 1987) - Love is seen as an extension of early attachment styles
A01- Early attachment styles (AINSWORTH, 1967)
From oberservations of babies and their mothers, AINSWORTH produced three distinct attachment styles - Secure, insecure-resistant and insecure-avoidant.
A01- Love as attachment - The Continuity Hypothesis
Later relationships are likely to be characterised by a continuation of early attachment styles as the mother's behaviour creates an internal working model of relationships for the child.
A02: Research support for continuity hypothesis
HAZAN and SHAVER (1987) found that adults who had been securely attached were more successful in adult relationships than those who had been insecurely attached. These findings have been supported in other studies (e.g. Feeney and Noller, 1990)
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