study of obedience: Milgram (1963)
method: milgram tested whether people would obey orders to shock someone else in a seperate room if told to do so by someone in authority-took place at yale university. 40 men took part,newspaper ads seeking volunteers of a study on 'learning & memory'. paid for attending,experimenter wore grey technicians coat,each pp was always 'teacher'. introduced to confederate, drew lots to see which roles they would take but fixed.witnessed confederate being strapped to chair and connected to a shock another room, the switches ranged from 15V- labelled 'slight shock' to 450V-labelled '***).teacher would ask learner questions,when made a mistake the pp would shock the shocks increased, the learner would start to 'scream', & after 330V, he made no further noise.if pp hesitated,experimenter would tell them to continue. debriefing included, an interview,questionnaires and a reunion with 'learner'.
results: 65% administered 450V, none stopped before 300V,(when learner protested), showed signs of stress and anxiety through out.
conclusion: ordinary people will obey orders to hurt someone else, even if it means acting against their consciences.
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