Attachment Definition:- a strong emotional bond shared between two people, it is a two way process which endures over time.
Attachment Behaviours:- Maccoby, Schaffer & Emerson (1964)
Maccoby Attachment behaviours:- Joy on reunion, seeking proximity, distress on separation, orientation towards attachment figure.
Schaffer & Emerson (1964) Glasgow Babies:-
- Observed 60 working class babies from birth
- Longitudinal study - 1 year
- Observed separation anxiety and stranger distress
- Observed babies using a four point scale and interviewed mothers
- Most babies formed primary attachment around ages 7 months
- Formed multiple attachments 1 month after first attachment formed
- Responsiveness key factor in attachment formation/strength
AO2 :- +Study is relatively old +Longitudinal study - more reliable +Triangulation - used a variety of methods providing rich data -only working class sample -cannot be generalised to all class' +High EV as babies observed in own homes -interviewing time consuming, demand characteristics