The context is the situation in which a text is produced and recieved. These will both affect interpretation and how the meaning is created. The voice adopted will depend on the context. For example, the sentence 'I love you' could have very different meanings depending on the context in which it is said and heard. Justin Beiber saying it to a crowd of 100,000 fans is very different to it being said by a drunk teenager to a girl he has just met at a party. You might like to have a bit of fun exploring how many different meanings this sentence can have in different contexts. Another aspect of context is genre. A genre is a style or category of text (e.g. prose, poetry, drama). There are sub-genres within these broad categories (e.g. romance, historical novel, biography, dramatic monologue, epistolary novel, chick lit, short story etc. Each genre has characteristic literary and linguistic features.
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