The scientific procedures act 1986 states that the lab should be fit and design to suit animal research. BPS 2007: housing of animals
Bateson 1986 3 criteria: certainty of the benefits; quality of research & degree of animal suffering.
FOR Darwin 1859 - common ancestor, animal research gives us a valid insight into human behaviour
Convenience animals with rapid breeding cycles more research in a short space of time, improves validity. Utilitarianism, Singer 1975. Moral duty Grey 1986 said that knowledge of humans helps to reduce suffering.
AGAINST Continuity, feel pain and emotions. Anthropomorphism -human characteristics to non-human animals or objects. Lacks EV, low MR, hard to generalise.
Selye’s rats were injected with noxious agents and the affects were observed, usually this wouldn’t take place lowering the strength of the results.
Singer 1991, argued that this is speciesism; therefore animals are under prejudice and discrimination. Ryder 1991 duty to protect animals in the same way we protect humans.
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